Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1977, Page 65

Description: Ecology Club Preparing for FutureThe Ecology Club has been kept busythis year getting the study area readyfor use by classes. Most of the work hasbeen cleaning out trash which was leftin when the area was fenced in.They have met with people from theSoil and Forestry departments and covered the use of various tools which theyhave.This year they have a pond whichshould be permanent and will servewith the marsh area to observe the animal and plant life of such areas.This spring the club hopes to havethe study area mapped completely inscale and complete soil and watertests. After the study area is completed, members of the Ecology Clubwill serve as guides, with the help ofMr. Luginbill, for classes from otherschools who will hopefully use thearea.During the bazaar at North the Ecology Club raised money through the saleof plants which were raised in thegreenhouse or were brought in by clubmembers.Within the next few years they hopeto establish a bee colony and raisemoney through the sale of honey andplants.The Ecology Club meets Tuesdayafter school for one to two hours withoccasional meetings on weekendswhich are optional.3 »% , iJ. McGuire, C. Mulinex, J. Hazel, B. Wade and M. Sieber work hard to earnmoney for the Ecology Club.ECOLOGY CLUB, Front row: D. Ridge, J. Rush, M. Hawkins, J. Hazel, M. Sieber, and L. Dvorak. Back row: J. McGurie, S.Watts, C. Mulinex, M. Deis, B. Wade, R. Sparks, Sponsor George Luginbill, and W. Counts. Not pictured: O. Uhara, H.Shaw.65;
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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