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Freshman Angela Cattani (right) playsa vocabulary review game with seniorPerry Langley (middle) in Greek I. Cattani is writing the word tree in Greek.Photo by Zoe WitheredSenior Mustafa Nawab is in bothJapanese and German II. When I wasyounger I used to be able to speak German fluently, Nawab said.Photo by Neena ArmitageJunior Ethan Burch completes a LatinII assignment. Latin has helped him inother academic settings, including thecritical reading section of the SATs.Photo by Zoe Witheredaggie Richards, a junior, is in theclass of 2011 s top 10, but shemight not graduate with an honors diploma. Richards diplomatype depends on whether or notshe fulfills her language requirements.A former student of the French III class, hercontinuation of the language was stopped afterher sophomore year when the French IV/V classwas discontinued.They told us it was because they didnt getenough people to sign up for [the class]. Weneeded four more students, Richards said.Richards was arranging to further her Frencheducation through high school and in college.I was planning on going through French V and.going abroad in college. I might not do the yearabroad now, Richards said.Classes are determined by popularity amongthe students and curriculums are designed tocover a wide range of interests, but class enrollment numbers can become a factor.Junior Betsy Inlow, a student who signed upfor French IV, knew that class enrollment numbers contributed to the courses cancellation.There were only 12 people in the class. Well,12 people arent enough, Inlow said.The discontinuation of this class could result inother students losing their honors diploma.My language requirement for an honorsdiploma was killed, Inlow said. I wanted to befluent, [but] I have gone backwards.Mariah Jackson, former French III student, alsohad degree difficulties.I had to persuade North to count what I tookin middle school as a foreign language credit, soI didnt have to take two years of two differentlanguages in order to get an honors diploma,Jackson said.There is always a possibility that the FrenchIV/French V class could be continued next year.Ive got everything worked out now, so theresno need for me to take it, Jackson said. Also,taking a year off of studying a language and thenjumping right back into it would be stressful.Inlow had other ideas.I would definitely take [the class, but] I dontthink its going to come back, Inlow said.T6y Isabella Douglas and Shannon Jager86 foreign language |
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Bloomington High School North |
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