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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2007, Page 122

Description: / jaughing Along■ Playinggames with practiceBefore each meet all of the runners crinkle up each others runningnumber. For some people this might seem a little strange but for thegirls cross country team, its the glue that keeps their team so close.Were all talented runners, but its more about our unity as a team,senior Madi Gregory said.Part of that unity includes small acts of vandalism. Every year justbefore state, the team toilet-papers the select few going to state.Last year when we went TPing for state, we got pulled over bycops because my lights werent all the way on, senior Virginia Eberlesaid. I had like eight people in my car, and he told us to have funand be safe. Team dinners are also a scene for the girls to show off their funnysides. At one dinner, Julia Wilson put some spaghetti in her mouthand flung it around like a walrus.It was really funny, Eberle Bridget EdgeworthIJunior Molly Hirt puts on ateam t-shirt after finishinga race. Hirt had;an injur}the middle of the*sH feithe end, she walCougars numbeHirt is also a Noirfl MiverFocused on***why cross countryI really love runningand the people doing it.-sophomore MaggieWagnerJunior Julia Wilson and frlfkMoore take a moand reflect tograce. Wilsomember ocross coigthree ySeaiJpI wanted to get inshape and challengemyself-sophomore KathleenMcDanielJade DelaneyGirls Cross Country
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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