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toSenior Jeff Tippin playsthe xylophone during theColumbus North game. Tippinis also a very avid cyclist andparticipates in those eventsoutside of school. Hes beenin band for four years.Juniors Erika Anderson, ErinSmith, and freshman ErikAten march with their clarinets at the Fall Sports SeniorNight. Anderson and Smithhave been in marching bandsince their freshman year./body really wanted to make finals.lilfnd Director Thomas WilsonJunior Jack Bodnar and freshman Jesse Hallpractice during one of the many long and hotsummer practices that marching band had thisyear. Bodnar and Hall are part of the drumline.Freshman Autumn Martinmarches and plays the fluteduring the homecominggame against Franklin Central in September. Martinplans to continue marchingband throughout her studentcareer.Marching Band 89 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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