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Story by Kody Higgins Photos by Alyssa McMathFor most seniors, senior year is a time to relax and prepare for the realworld. You think back to the past high school years and remember thegreat people you met and the amamzing friends you made. Most seniorsleave high school with a feeling of sadness, but they also leave with afeeling of excitement for what the future holds. To the underclassmen thesenior class was the class to look up to. Seniors really do hold a hugepart of the high school experience, not just for themselves but also for theclasses following them.Opposice oagc coo: Senior LUcsDoweLL Leans on cne DLcacncrs asne enjoys a DasneeoaLL game.Opposice cage Doceom: Seniorshacie LUiLLiarns ana haiC-LynQrewes cam ac a meccina Forsenior incernsnio.LeFC: Senior Uiuian Jones sirs incne naLL ana enjoys Luncn.Doceom Lerc: Senior Sunny Pongenjoys Luncn in enc caFccena wicna pcw Pnenas.Doceom ngnc: Senior hara JcraenDLays a uoLLcyoaLL game in CeamSnores mass aunng seminar.During senior year there are many differentthings seniors can participate in. Things such as LOTS,which is when students go to Bradford Woods and actas counselors for elementary school kids. The seniorgirls can also participate in the Powderpuff Footballgame, which is an all-girl football team where theseniors play the juniors.Senior Division 99 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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