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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2005, Page 75

Description: Soonomore Qanc CLmorc proceces cne doll From nisopponent CLmorc naa co sic oue a fcw games aue co mecsurgery.A new beainninqStory by Matt DollingerPhotos by Matt Dollinger, Alysa McMath and pikeena luckettIt was the first season in what seemslike a long time the Bloomington NorthCougars havent dominated on thebasketball court.The Cougars, under first-year head coachAndy Hodson, stumbled to a 5-16 record onthe hardwood including two losses to rivalBloomington South.The team only had one senior on thesquad, guard Dominic Parker, and also hadlost legendary coach Tom McKinney toretirement and a half-dozen seniors.Yet, even under dire circumstances, theCougars were able to get something positiveout of a seemingly lost season.I thought overall our guys improvedthroughout the season, Hodson said.Thats what we wanted to do with such ayoung team, and we were compeititve.(t didnt make things easier that theBloomington community expected perfectionfrom the young Cougar squad. The teamsstarters and bench players consisted almostcompletely of junior varsity players from theyear before.Senior Qomimc Darner scanas in eriDLe enrcacposicion. Cms oosicion ollows Darner co naue cneopcions op snoocing, oassing or ariDDuna.It was a learning experience, Parker said.We were a young team in a rebuildingprocess with a new coach.Hodson agreed with Parkers statementssaying it was tough to follow McKinneyscredentials.j3ut Hodson is a loyal McKinney disicipleand didnt change many things from hispractices.Next year it will be better, sophomorepyan Woolery said. We didnt have verymuch experience in varsity games.The team was led in the middle by Woolery,but lacked other consistent inside threats.They were led by a series of guards on theperimeter including Parker, sophomores GantElmore and Darin Webber and juniors JakeMacy and Joe Mukinni.Although the team didnt have the winningseason North fans are accustomed to, theCougars still took something positive from theseason.Coach prepared us well, Woolery said.It just didnt always turn out the way wehad hoped.Soonomore Puan UUooLcry ana Junior Joe rPiuninniwaie For cneir Dme oooonenc co snooc Freecnrows.Cne cwo will oe rccurning scarcers For cne 2003-2006 season.Boys Basketball 75
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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