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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2003, Page 92

Description: Dance Team;, _. J9^1Jm 1 *^CiF HHi «f ^HlimThe North Dance Team had an exceptional season this year. The girlsplaced 3rd at the Universal Dance Association Summer Camp with twomembers, Megan Adams and Michelle Riggs, gaining special recognition asUDAAII-Stars. Due to their high placement at camp, the North Dance Teamwas given a chance to compete at UDA Nationals in Orlando, Florida. Inpreparation, the dance teamAfter the awards banquet, some of the Pomsgroup for a picture.spent many more hoursfundraising and practicing.While in Florida, the girlsrealized that the trip was notjust fun and games. Oncethey arrived in Florida, thegirls were all business andno play. They spent manyhours practicing their routine in anticipation for the competition.After making it to the semi-finals and placing 23rd out of over 50teams, the girls were ready to relax at Disney World. Enjoyingsuch rides as the Tower of Terror and Splash Mountain, theteams efforts were rewarded. The seniors all agree that whatthey will miss most about this season are the friendships thattheyve made.The girls pose with their assistant coach Keith Smith and theirtrophy.Top Row: Eden South, Sierra Klahn, Tiffany Thompson, Tiffany Arndt, Amy Link, Hyam El-Sayyad Bottom Row: Macy Volrich,Nichole Hoover, Megan Adams, Candance Thompson, Michelle Riggs, Anna Romine Not Pictured: Hannah Wilkin92
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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