Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 2002, Page 15

Description: TruckinThe Road Less TraveledThe Bypass, Third Street,Kirkwood, 37, these may be some mainroads traveled on by most BHSNstudents, but not for these rough andtough off-roading dare devils. Theseboys dont usually run their weekends inslow pace. Slipping, sliding, crashingand thrashing jeeps and trucks is whatthese boys prefer to do. Off-roading is one past time that most studentsarent willing to subjecttheir vehicles to. But toboys like seniors Carson Polley and Justin Roberts thats what thesevehicles are made for.Most weekends these boys jump in their trucks or jeeps andhead down to their favorite off-roading spots. Where exactly are theseboys favorite spots? Senior Josh Young and Polley both use their ownproperty to tear it up. Polley also states we go in the woods or fields.Sixteen Corners is another hot spot for these crazy off-roading kids.Most students wouldnt dare think of off-roading, so why do theseboys do this? This question seems pretty simple to Polley, We go off-roading to get away from people and have fun. Most of us are constantlyworking on our jeeps and trucks of which we have built from scratch and its fun to use them for what they are made for.Young states that he goes for bragging rights.Off-roading can be dangerous, Young says that there are certain techniques to off-roading such as going slowand being patient and cautious. You must have a four wheel drive with mud terrain tires. Polleys technique is quitesimilar to Youngs, I like to go kind of slow and wallow in the mud,then tear it up. Roberts has a slightly different approach, I go asfast as I can and fly uphills.Polley and Robertsare pretty hard coreabout this past time,going at least threetimes a week. Me andJustin go a lot,sometimes after schooleven if its just for a quickone hour trip, saysPolley. Young tries to go at least once every two weeks.These boys mostly take jeeps and trucks, old and new. Polley takes his 1946 CJ2A WILLYS jeep that he restoredwith his grandpa. Roberts takes his 1986 Ford F150. You will probably come back with some scratches or dings onyour jeep or truck. It all depends on how crazy you get, says Polley. After the last off-roading trip, Justin came backwith a whole lot of scratches and dents on his truck, Joshs radio and tachometer doesnt work anymore and I broke myframe. These boys love off-roading because it gives those who dont play sports a chance to do something they love.Its unanimous between all three guys that getting stuck in the mud is the best part of off-roading.I15
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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