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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1998, Page 44

Description: SBSBamSmwWmmBmmmmmSSmmmGirlsCountryThe 1997 Girls cross country team was able to acheive some of theirgoals for the season. Their wonderful team spirit emphasized the talenton the team. The girls were three and five in dual meets, and took 8th inconference. At Sectionals, the girls placed third and went on to take 12thin Semi-state. Alyssa Pittman, one of the teams eight seniors, was theteams Gold award winner. She advanced to the State finals and placed21st. Going to State this year was one of the best experience Ive had inhigh school. My team and parents were very supportive and made it verymemorable, she said.The Maroon winner for the team was sophomore Lizzie Somers.who said, I really enjoyed being on the team this year because there wasa variety of people and I made some good friends.The team was led by seniors Alyssa Pittman, Katie Geisel, NoaLevanon, Michelle Schultz, Dee Brown, Amanda Matson, Elaisa Miller,and Kate Yoder.The underclassmen include juniors Laura McDonald and LanaWhitley.Sophomores were Lizzie Somers, Sara Schultz, Lori Reeves, RachelMiller, and Portia Maultsby.Freshmen were Amber McKinney, Kelley Schilke, and Shelly Beeker.The team coolsdown together,after a long meet.mmn—fMWTfir -war XClCJo.Alyssa Pittman runs strong at Regionals, to help the Cougars get 4th place.Sara Shultz pushes hard as she completes the race44
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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