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SCIENCE OLYMPIADThe Science Olympiadhas come a long way since itsstart in 1983. Created by Dr.Gerald J. Putz and Jack Cairnsas an alternative to traditionalscience fairs, the Olympiadplaces the emphasize onteamwork, group planning,and cooperation. The participation has grown from the2 states of its respected creators into a nationwide eventwith over 12,000 participant!Seventeen of those 12,000make up the Bloomington HighSchool North Olympiad Team.The team, coached by JanPierson, worked together andplaced 2nd at the Regional their outstanding performanceCompetition and 9th at State at the competitions.The BHSN ScienceOlympiad team carried onthe tradition and spirit of theScience Olympiad by participating in the explorationof science with a team effort.They made North proud withVictor Kinser and partner DanONeil prepare for competition.Theresa Home and LanaWhitley pose with their bottlerocket outside of the union.■w___&Vi ^_#|V^4*5«41Wi____K*w9Ms. Pierson watches eagerly as BedayatShahrani drops an egg toTim Shier, who prays that it doesnt break.The Science Olympiad team shows us where they train.82 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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