Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1991, Page 40

Description: Band Continues To Grow Stronghe band programat North is goingstrong under thedirection of Ms.Janis Stockhouse. In additionto providing entertainment atfootball and basketballgames, several bands traveledto contests and music festivalsfor judging and competition.This year the marching bandSymphonic Band, Row 1: R. Caswell,J. Hatch, A. Berg, M. Shimer, L.Naylor, B. Porter, B. Hailer. Row 2: S.Schleuter, G. Almond, J. Bradley, M.Oh, J. Millard, D. Appelman, J.Eberle, J. Miscler, D. Ridge, J. Raines,S. Seiler, A. Abdual-Jalil. Row 3: A.Harste, J. Dunn, C Osborne, E. Con-nel, J. McDowell, CPaynter, D. Tre-anor, M. Bruhy, S. Frazo, S. Surzycki,E. Organ, C Hoffer, B. Peterson, K.Grush. Row 4: G. Snyder, L. Gilchrist, K. Stephans, M. Surburg, T.Copper, S. Brashear, E. Kramer, Z.Henry, J. Mechling, C Gaither, B.Orton, R. Provines, R. Schecter, J.Stien, S. Brewer, J. Crawford, M. Bar-ringer, Teacher J. Stockhouse.Concert Band, Row 1: C. Taylor, L.Shaaban, S. Manns, S. Hostetler, A.Hawkins, H. Hall, E. McKeen. Row 2:M. Jackson, T. Goto, C Craig, R. Allen, A. Smith, H. Dukes, B. Schepper.Row 3: J. Krothe, C Swedran, L. Gilchrist, S. Walan, J. Dougels, S. Grady,J. Stamm, M. Cummings. Row 4: S.Eels, B. Yarber, C Almond.J3•competed at ISSMA, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Kentucky.The big trip for the Symphonic Band this year was tothe contest at Virginia Beach,Virginia. In addition, the bandcompeted at ISSMA, where itconsistently placed well atboth the state and local competitions.The Jazz Bands also participated in contests and festivals, the big ones this yearbeing the Bloomington JazzFestival held here at North,the Purdue Jazz Festival, anda festival at Rolling MeadowsHigh School, Chicago (a hotspot for jazz). As an addedbonus Jazz I traveled to NewOrleans in March for judgingand to experience the atmosphere of this city at the centerof jazz.The other bands in the program, including the ConcertBand and the Pep Band, werealso active rehearsing andperforming several times during the year.WvStiG.HaKriBr;M.;40A Closer Look At Band-—- *3*i^*;-*
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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