Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1991, Page 29

Description: Social StudiesMore Than Historyt North it is re-A quired that a stu-r^ dent take one yearof U.S. History, a semester of government andlevel is run. Applied economic students have abusiness simulationsponsored by JuniorAchievement. Products,ijfr^ > - ,t/three semesters of elec- are sold before schooltives in order to gradu- and during lunches byate. The electives include the students. Sociologyeconomics, sociology, students do an inde-anthropology, and psy- pendent research project than history. The depart-the human behavior.The areas that receivethe greatest emphasis include learning, perception, personality, andemotional and behavioral disorders.It is clear to see thatSocial Studies is morechology.In U.S. History students learn about theUnited States and thepeople that have madeour nation what it is today. In government,seniors learn about theand sociology book re- ment takes a closer lookview for Mr. Hunsicker. at humans, what andMrs. Wilson believes that why they do the thingsanthropology is a course they do in everyday life,that lets students gain anappreciation for thebeauty of diverse ways.Finally, psychology is adifferent levels of gov- course taught by Dr.ernment and how each Miller that takes a look atStudent Tony Aimes registersto vote.Mr. Walsh works hard to getthe point across.I wonder what Junior AmyKoch is dreaming about?A Closer Look At Social Studies29
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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