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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1988, Page 14

Description: Grease Has Colorful Meaning1959. Just what does the yearmean to us, the kids of 1987? Tosome it means happy, upbeat music.To others it means poodle skirts, hulahoops, circle pins and other quicklypassing fads. And some might picturemaking out in the back seat of a 57Chevy during a bad drive-in movie.For the North students who workedtogether last spring on Grease,1959 meant all this and more. ErikMayes (Roger) put it this way: Thethrill of reincarnating the 50s onstage was an experience I wont soonforget. As director, Gregory Andissaid, The focus of the show is a coregroup. Made up of the T-Birds andthe Pink Ladies, the two cool gangsof Rydell High. The storyline is composed of several subplots woven together with singing and dancing tomake the show memorable. Choraldirector Ann Dunbar helped capturethe Grease spirit in her lively directionof the twenty-one musical numbers.Grease was originally stagedwith seventeen characters; Northsproduction was expanded to include atwelve member chorus. This madeTraci Smiths job of coordinating thebig numbers difficult, but it also gavemore people a chance to be part ofthe fun. As Tony Sanburn said, I feltimportant even though I was just achorus member.The Grease script was expandedso that everyone learned somethingfrom their experiences. The set creweven got to work with some difficultscenery and special effects such asradio and drive-in movie voice-overs,a cartoon-like backdrop and set, andmost memorably Greased Lightnin.Dave Purk describes the feeling ofsharing the stage with a car: Greased Lightnin — just to be inthe presence of that car felt great.We Go Together sums up thefeelings of those who helped makeGrease great. Holly Bales puts thesensation this way: Every time someone mentions Grease, those technicolor memories flash through mymind.14 GreaseT i
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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