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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1987, Page 71

Description: Success Again!The 1986 Girls Golf Team was ledto another successful season by Jill Sallee.Jill is a three-year letter winner andholder of the school record for the lowestscore in home and away meets. Despitehaving to play with a cast on her foot,Jill had the low average for the season.Excellent support was given by two-year letter winners Teresa Goldman andMelissa Newcomb. They both recordedcareer best scores during the season anddemonstrated continual improvement.Other members who made contributions and earned their first letters were:Jenny Allen, Jamie Price, and AbbiFinley. The Gold Award was given toJill Sallee and the Maroon Award wasgiven to Jenny Allen.Girls Golf Team, Row 1: Jamie Price, Stephanie Swafford, Missy Caly, Teresa Goldman, JennyAllen. Row 2: Coach George Fielding, Lesley Waltz, Elise Megremis, Jill Sallee, Melissa Newcomb, ^^ Stephanie Swafford hdps Abbi Finleywith her form.Abbi Finley.Senior Jill Sallee smiles as she watches anotherperfect shot go in.
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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