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Vocational SchoolDr. Elizabeth WamplerFran ShieldsBilly WoolfAVS started preparing students forthe work world during the 72-73school year. Currently there are 19programs offered. Each program isadvised by a board of directors. AVSstudents received three hours of instruction daily, and three hours of highschool credit from classes that meet ofBHSN, BHSS, IVTC, and Lo Chic BeautySchool.AVS serves about 150 studentsfrom South, 200 from North, 65 fromEdgewood, 5 from Brown County,and 20 from Eastern, and 40 fromOwen Volley.Looking to the future, AVS hasrecently formed a partnership with IVTECH that will allow AVS students toreceive dual credit for their vocationalstudies.OfTvce Staff: Luanda Myers, Marilyn Bultman, and Pam Westpholl. Seated: GinnyBoshears.Vocational 137 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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