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Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1986, Page 135

Description: Staff, Counselors Relax, TooAt an early hour of a weekdaymorning the alarm rings, snatching asleeper from a peaceful rest. Wearyeyes blink a few times, then therealization hits: this isnt anothernightmare, it really IS necessary toget up and go ... Sounds like atypical BHSN student, right? Wrong.The person above is one of the lessrecognized workers at North, acounselor, or a secretary on the wayto a day of student schedules,business calls, PSAT scores, excuses forabsent students, college applications. . . The list goes on and on. After aday at work they like to relax inmany ways.When finished with a day in theprincipals office, Mrs. DeStefano enjoys reading, and watching TheCosby Show and Dynasty. She ishighly interested in IU sports.Mrs. Hanson relaxes after her dayin the attendance office by swimming, bowling, square dancing, and doing crofts. She is a member of theBucks and Does Square Dance Club.When Mrs. Beard leaves thebookstore she likes to play bridge,read, or do needlework. She is amember of the Tri-North PTO and thePsi Deta Xi Soroity.After a day at the library and mainoffice, Mrs. Hyde likes to play bridgeOffice Staffand bingo. She is married to a Shrinerand they are members of the ElksClub.Mrs. Elkins has been working forNorth for eight years.At home she likes to make rugs,participate in church activities, and gomotorcycling.After o day in the counselors office, Mrs. May likes to spend time withher grandchildren.Aside from working with people atNorth, Dr. Diana enjoys sailing,reading, and gardening. He is thesponsor of the National Honor Society,and a member of the Kiwanas Service Club.Counselor Ron Faultless is a cattlefarmer and Mrs. Holmes, also acounselor likes to read, collect antiquefurniture, and go to auctions. She is onthe board of directors for both JuniorAchievement, and the Monroe County Crippled Childrens Society, and is amember of Phi Delta Kappa.Mrs. Riddle enjoys college sportsand boating on her 1985 20 SeaRay as well as camping and fishing.She likes to travel, bowl and readhistorical novels. She is a co-sponsor ofthe National Honor Society, amember of ISTA, NEA, and thebuilding representative for MCEA.On the job Mrs. Snyder enjoys bringing together students at North withforeign students. She also likes tocook, knit, and meet new people.Row 1: LoVonce Hanson, Judy Beord, Marlene DeStefano, Row 2: Betty May, BeverlyElkins, Doyneno Hyde.Staff 135
Collection: Bloomington High School North

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