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Lady Golfers Have Fine TourThe girls gold team enjoyed anextremely profitable season in whichthey set new school records for themost wins in a season, and for thebest finish in the sectional of anyCougar team in Norths history.Coach George Fielding was verypleased with the success of his teamand credited it to long hours ofpractice.The team was led by Junior AngieSparks, the gold Award winner, whowas the Cougars lone participant inthe regional. Angie played good golfall year and will be back next yearfor her final season. Other playerswho contributed greatly to the teamwere Abigail Wallace, Lori King,Heather White and Leslie Morris.This was a very hard working teamand everyone contributed for thegood of the whole team. TheCougars ended their season with a10-3 record and a second place inthe sectional. The squad also set aschool record for a 9 hole matchwith as score of 186.With all of this success, one mightthink that the Cougars are headedfor an off year. But much to CoachFieldings delight, the team shouldbe just as competitive in 1984 withthe graduation of only one senior,Abby Wallace. The reserve teamhad a record of 2-2 and hopes toprovide some fresh talent.1. Leslie Morris, shows good form and concentration on this putt.2. Junior Angie Sparks is caught moving herball to a better position.3. Sophomore Jane Hill calculates the angleand velocity needed in preparation for thisshot.4. Coach Fielding points out someone withflashier pants than his.5. Senior Abigail Wallace plays an ironshot.68 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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