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Qi—COCO37I—oCOCO(J)aCOCO-A-ocoExcellent Year!r he varsity, reserve andfreshman girls basketball teams have had excellent seasons this year. Allthree teams have put agreat deal of effort intotheir practices which wasreflected in their excellentplaying during their games.The girls varsity team,coached by JeannineButler, completed theirseason with a record of 12-8. Some of the outstandingplayers were: Debbie King,guard; Lori Crandall, forward; Jean Anne Baker,guard; and Suzanne Miller,center. Coach Butler commented that The teamsattitude was very good,and that They were a veryenjoyable team to workwith.The girls reserve teamcoached by Jody Duncan,finished with a 9-9 record.Coach Duncan commentedthat We were aggressiveand gained consistencywithin the last couple ofgames. Also, the teamnever gave up when behindand went after every teamwe played. The reserves50-50 season this year is expected to improve to aneven better percentage nextyear. As Coach Duncan putit, So much of their learning has yet to sink in, andthe summer awaits theblooming of next yearsteam.The girls freshmanbasketball team has gainedmuch experience this year.They had an excellentseason and are expected tobe even better next year.1. Tonya Cooper goes up for 2. Senior Suzanne Millertwo in the Martinsville game. shoots away another good freethrow. |
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Bloomington High School North |
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