Bloomington High School North, Nikean, 1983, Page 100

Description: COOCOO0)coOco—4ORoll Em Over, Show Em The LightscoT* his has been a year ofpleasant surprises forCoach John (Bo) Henry. Hebegan pre-conditioning withforty wrestlers and at thebeginning of the season hehad only eighteen. Out ofthese eighteen he knew hehad four or five potentialstate champions.The team has workedhard and has achieved aseason record of 184, thebest in Norths history.Coach Henry feels thisgreat record is due to thededication of the wrestlersand the support of the fans.This years team hassome outstanding wrestlersthat have broken severalrecords. Victor Meladze,155 lbs. and Paul Record,167 lbs., are tied for breaking the pin record apiece.The team as a whole hasbroken the take-downrecord.Coach Henry is very proud of the individual andteam effort that has madethis season one to be proudof.1. Senior, Terry Brown whowrestled 126 weight classdesperately tries for an escapeagainst his Mater Dei opponent.2. Wrestling in the heavyweight class, senior MarkSturgeon tries to show the lights.3. Marcus Moir, 119 on thereserve squad, rides his opponentout.4. Perry Summitt, varsitywrestler at 119 weight class,struggles with Tim Wilbily fromEdgewood to break him down.5. Don Bowman attempts tostand while a Bloomington Southwrestler deeps him down.6. Is Greg Buehler trying toburp his opponent?Coach Ken Webb says,Its not easy to have a 74season record when you only have light wrestlers, butsomehow our team did justthat.With only a limitedamount of wrestlers on bothteams, our reserve wrestlershave gained some experience in Varsity wrestling meets. But even with allthese problems, this yearsteam produced some exceptionally talented wrestlerssuch as undefeated juniorMarcus Moir andsophomore Pat Gray.All of our hard workand determination has paidoff and Im proud of the finejob our guys have done,said Coach Webb.O
Collection: Bloomington High School North

Further information on this record can be found at its source.