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COUGARMovie BlockbustersE.T., probably theworlds favorite alien, wasone of Steven Spielbergsgreatest creations. The filmbroke box-office recordsand everything from clothesto toys were made in hishonor. Along with E.T.,some other block-busterswere: Tootsie, Annie,Poltergiest, Tron, TheVerdict, and An Officerand a Gentleman.December 2,1982Medical Breakthrough Universityof Utah Medical Center Salt LakeCity, UtahA medical breakthroughcame in 1982, when thefirst permanent artificialhuman heart was put toThe recipient wasuse.Barney Clark, a sixty-oneyear old dentist. The operation was a success, but wasnot without complications.Clark, for as long as he hasthe heart, will carry a compressor the size of a shopping cart to which two sixfoot plastic tubes are attached through his chest to hisheart. This device isnecessary to keep the heartpumping.North Students Make NewsA team of 13 North** students coached byMr. Gary Sweatman andMrs. Jill Morgan took firstplace at the district SpecialOlympics basketball tournament. The team competedon February 5 at theUniversity Middle Schoolgymnasium. They defeatedthe teams from Clarksvilleand Glenwood to advanceto the Regional tournament.They will play in Vincenneson March 5. This is the firstSpecial Olympics teamsport North has participated in, and the teamhas high hopes of finishingwell at Regionals. In thepicture, the team is presenting their first place trophyto the school. Left to rightare: David Bridgewaters,Mike Sites, Mr. Harvey,Tommy Abbit, LaryOsborne, Scott Holsapple,Mark Smith, And DannyCarmichael. Not pictured:Billy Pratt, Sheila Dyer,Tom Bezzy, Ludger Pedro,Jeff Hellenburg, and CarlStrange.MemorialsDeath of Grace Kelly, actress and princess ofMonaco.Ingrid Bergman,died from cancer.actress,Leonid Brezhnev, famousU.S.S.R. ruler.Henry Fonda died, but notbefore receiving his firstoscar for On GoldenPond.John Belushi, Americancomedian, died from a drugoverdose.Campus Cougar 29 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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