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Table of ContentsBEFORE THE opening of the 1968-69 schoolyear, Mr. John Jones, principal of BloomingtonHigh School said he wanted this school year tobe a year of expression.The 1700 students of BHS have helped to fulfill this wish as each student strove to expresshimself in his or her own way. This school, thisbuilding was a different world for every studententering its doors and the word education hada different meaning and interpretation for everystudent.Whether it was in the classroom, during a test,in a basketball game in the gym, on stage in adramatics production, or behind the podium at aclub meeting, there was a special moment whenevery student did his thing, expressed himselfto his teachers and fellow students and whileexpressing thus furthered his education.The individual expression of each student ledto the unified expression of each of the threeclasses at BHS, and finally the entire student bodyexpressed itself to the community by taking anactive part in the life of Bloomington.A year of success and at the same time disappointment, of happiness mixed with tears, a yearof growth and new friends, a year of individuals,this was the year of expression.Opening...Academic.OrganizatSportsClasses....AdvertisingAcknowle*Index 2 30ons 74 106 142 200merits...230 231 |
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Bloomington High School |
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