Collection Order

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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1970, Page 104

Description: Student Requests Granted by OfficialsThe school year of 1969-70 was onemarked with more co-operation andunderstanding between the studentsof BHS and school officials. Mr.Jones, Mr. Frye, and Mr. Milneworked together with the studentsfor a common goal—the bettermentof BHS. Student requests were listened to, considered, and in mostcases met by school officials. As director of adult and vocational education, Mr. Chester Taylor supervisednight classes for the seventh consecutive year.UPPER LEFT: Mr. John T. Jones, principal. UPPER RIGHT: Paying an. unexpected visit to a classroom, Mr. Jones peepsinto the window. RIGHT: Addressing thestudent body during a convocation, Mr.Jones pauses to view his audience.104
Collection: Bloomington High School

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