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On the morning of April 6, 1967, fire truckswere summoned to the intersection of Second andWalnut Streets. Central Junior High School, whichtwo years earlier had displayed the words Bloomington High School on the stone above the door,had become a blazing inferno within minutes. Asentimental landmark in our community that hadseen our parents and grandparents within its walls,the red brick building became no more than apile of ashes and rubble.There was a hurt, not a physical pain but nevertheless a real hurt, in the heart of nearly everyperson who had walked those halls and studied inthose classrooms. No more will the gang meet infront of Winged Victory to discuss world problemsor the latest fashions; no more will the boy who isalways late for class sneak through the auditoriumto save time; no more will students with lockersin the basement have to wade to get their books.There is no basement; there is no auditorium; thereis no building on that familiar corner. All that isleft are a thousand memories which will last formany years to come. Now heres to you, our dearold BHS. |
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Bloomington High School |
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