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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1967, Page 220

Description: Jenkins, Scan 92, 102, 174Johnson, Alan 185Johnson, Claude 96, 106, 117, 131, 151Johnson, Jeff 87, 185Johnson, Jerilyn 87, 185Johnson, Kathy 88, 93, 174Johnson, Lark 86, 89, 155Johnson, Linda 47, 66, 86, 90, 185Johnson, Linda Kay 55, 174Johnson, Mark 174Johnson, Patricia 89, 155Johnson, Rhonda 47, 55, 95, 100, 155, 82Johnson, Sandra 104, 155Jolly, Becky 185Jones, Beverly 85, 86, 90, 185Jones, Charles 185Jones, Charles V. 125Jones, Jean 102, 107, 155Jones, Jill 86, 90, 94, 140, 185Jones, Joyce 174Jones, Michael 14, 122, 131, 155, 83Jones, Phillip 108, 185Jones, Robert 92, 125, 185Jordan, Bill 98, 185Jordan, Cathy 96KKahl, Karen 66, 85, 97, 185Kane, Cindy 14, 89, 94, 155Kean, Gary 174Keener Steven 92, 114, 122, 131,-173, 174Kellar, Jan 85, 86, 94, 185Kelley, Dennis 126, 185Kelley, Pat 85, 90, 185Kellums, Marc 155Kelly, Brigit 84, 85, 86, 95, 182Kelly, Karen 98, 156Kemper, Gene 185Kendall, Ernie 174Kent, Robert 185Kent, Twyla 95, 185Keough, Robert 125, 185Kerr, Carolyn 104, 174Kerr, David 174Kerr, Debbie 90, 186Kerr, Kay 186Killion Steve 125, 186Kinder, Tim 186King, David 92, 96, 114, 156King, Marlene 87, 93, 156King, Shirley 66, 186Kinley, John 186Kinley, Mike 174Kinley, Vicki 85, 86, 90, 186Kinser.Chris 91, 186Kinser, Pam 86, 88, 174Kinser, Ron 174Kirk, Ken 174Kirkman, Leah 109, 186Kisters, Ginger 85, 89, 93, 140, 156Klann, Connie 156Kleindorfer, James 156Knight, Barbara 89, 106, 156Knight Ricky 92, 99, 186Knight, Vicki 88, 104, 174Knoll, Sherri 64, 104, 174Kragie, Scott 92, 94, 116, 174Krebs, Evalyn 67, 86, 91, 186Krebbs, Mike 104, 156Krepps, Mark 174Ksiazek, Susan 156Kuntz, Kathy 84, 85, 87, 97, 174LaFollette, Ilene 86, 186Lake, Steven 174Lake, Tony 64, 92, 156Lammey, Carolyn 93, 109, 174Lancaster, Gail 84, 91, 86, 140, 186Lane, Belinda 174Lane, Charlene 104, 175Lane, Richard 96, 186Lane, Roger 66, 186Langley, Bec!.y 86, 156Langley, Karen 109, 186Langley, Sally 186Lavender, Becky 186Lavender, Eddie 186Lavender, Eugene 186Lavender, Troy 156Lawrence, Larry 156Lawson, Debbie 186Lawson, Eric 186Layman, Beverly 98, 100, 101, 194, 156Leach, Phillip 175LeBeau, David 100, 101, 96, 175LeBeau, Steve 86, 97, 186Lee, Gary 94, 105, 108, 156Leedke,David 66, 68, 156, 102Leedke, Diana 17, 84, 86, 85, 95, 103, 175Leiningcr, Mark 92, 126, 131, 100, 173, 175Lentz, Dickie 87, 186Levato, Louis 186Lewis, Debby 94, 156Liebenow, Debby 86, 186Liell, Jon 175Lindle, Ron 156Lindsay, Teresa 97, 186Linthicum, Dan 126, 156Linthicum, Pam 88, 95, 175Linthicum, Vicki 91, 97, 186Litz, Mike 175Livingston, Lana 104, 175Livingston, Mike 105, 186Livingston, Sandra 186Lloyd, Roger 86Lloyd, Christine 67, 89, 96, 156Lloyd, Scott 100, 175Logsdon, Susie 141, 186Long, Jerry 175Long, Terry 16, 157Loop, Danny 16, 175Lucas, Gary 175Lucas, John 86, 186Lucas, Annice 157Ludwig, Donna 89, 157Ludwig, Linda 68, 86, 99, 187Ludwig, Mike 122, 131, 157Lundblad, Mike 68, 94, 175Lung, Ralph 47, 92, 94, 86, 100, 107, 137, 157,82Lyle, Mike 175Lynch, Charlene 102, 187Lynch, Judy 104, 157MMadden, Mary 84, 85, 86, 96, 100, 157, 82Madden, Bob 96, 114, 175, 175Mahler, Andy 84, 85, 87, 187Manifold, Billy 97, 187Mann, Gloria 88, 175Manville, Kathryn 88, 95, 175Marrs, Kathy 94, 175Marrs, Paul 157Martin, Debbie 66, 88. 98, 175Martin, Diana 86, 93, 91, 106, 187Martin, Melva 175Martin, Scott 92, 157Martin, Terry 99, 126, 187Martindale, Chuck 187Martindale, Ron 175Massey Karen 90, 96, 187Mather, David 96, 175Mathews, Diana 49, 85, 98, 101, 157, 82Mathews, Mark 94, 187Matthews, George 92, 96, 137, 155, 157Matthews, James 122, 131, 157Matthews, Mary Ann 80, 87, 90, 91, 96, 187Matney, Dave 94, 175May, Becky 187May, Betty 95, 187May, Charles 157, 129May, Kathy 91, 95, 187May, Marilyn 91, 187May, Michael 48, 100, 101, 137, 157, 11May, Warren 125, 175McArtor, Becky 86, 88, 107, 175McClain, David 92, 94, 48, 122, 131, 175McClary, Connie 90, 187McClintocl;, Sherry 91, 187McClung, Kay 86, 187McConnell, Catherine 49, 93, 104, 157McConnell, Paul 187McCord, Leslie 67, 99, 102, 187McCoy, Kenneth 157McCullough, Lebra 187McCurry, Linda 109, 175McCutchen, John 122, 131, 100McCutchen, Steve 67, 92, 187McDoniel, Benna-Lou 86, 88, 175McDowell, Pam 89, 157McFall, Steve 187McGinn, Danny 126, 129, 131, 176, 175McGinnis, Randall 92, 108, 187McGinnis, Sandy 67, 88, 109, 175McGlothlin, Jerry 157McGlothlin, Jerry D. 99, 157McGuire, Terry 187McGuire, Bill 175McKamey, Joy 66, 91, 187McHenry, Jayne 68, 67, 84, 85, 158, 109McKinnis, Sharon 88, 96, 17595, 84, 100, 140, 158McLain, Diana 187McLaughlin, Janice 86, 90, 139, 187McLelland, Steve 92, 95, 137, 187McMillan, Danny 97, 176McNally Jim 97, 187Meadows, David 176Meadows, Max 187Medaris, Connie 86, 91, 187Medley, Donna 64, 93, 96, 158Mefford, Ike 106, 92, 122, 123, 131, 129, 158Melloh, Mary 84, 85, 87, 94, 91, 187Mercer, Keith 112, 114, 122, 129, 131, 176Merrill, Linda 84, 86, 89, 97, 107, 158, 210, 82,83Merritt, Linda 87, 95, 187Messner, Ken 187Messmer, Ron 126, 176Mick, Barbara 86, 91, 187Middleton, Gail 101, 176Middleton, Pamela 10, 8683, 11Mikulski, Larry 102, 187Milan, Mike 135, 187Miller, Albert 185Miller, Cynthia 88, 104, 176Miller, Jeff 86, 94, 176Miller, LeeAnn 176, 88, 98, 173Miller, Mary Adele 176, 88, 97, 140, 48Miller, Nancy Lynn, 176, 88Mills, Bill 176Mills, Richard H. 158, 105Minett, Penni Jo, 176, 88, 86, 98, 107, 176Mingee, Rita Kay, 158Minnick, Sandra, 158, 104, 93Misenheimer, Jim 176Mishler, Steve 158, 67Mitchell, Georganna 176, 88Mitchell, Lynn 158, 98, 106, 100, 66Mitchell, Richard, 187, 97, 94, 92. 86, 132Mitchell, Richard P. 187, 92Mize, Shirley 176, 88, 95, 66Mobley, Charles 176Mobley, Gary Lee 158, 103Moman Charlene 187, 86, 90, 65Moman Charles 187, 92, 65, 68Monahan, Wayne 158Montgomery, Kathy 176, 84, 86, 48Mood, Dennis 177, 96Moody, Barbara 158Moody, Mary 177, 88, 98Moore, Belinda 177, 88, 95Moore, Bruce 177, 105, 94, 100Moore, Elaine 158, 94, 80, 10, 100, 139, 138, 83Moore, George 177Moore, Kathryn 187, 98Morehead, Donna 187, 86Morel, Robert 159, 84, 85, 87, 82Morgan, Gary 187Morran, Donna 159, 93Morran, Keith, 177, 122, 131, 135Morris, Marita 159, 104Morrison, Janice 159, 104Muderski, Howard 187Mullen, Robert 177Mullen, Roberta 177, 88Mullins, Steve 159, 104Mullis, Brenda 177Mullis, Doris, 187Mullis, Ken 187Mullis, Larry 187Mullis, Linda 187, 98, 100Mundy, Mark 177, 97, 210Murphy, Ellen 177, 88, 106, 109Murphy, Larry 187, 92, 125, 106, 96Murray, April 187, 84, 94, 86Musgrave, David 159, 98, 64Myers, Carole 159, 84, 89, 98, 100, 146Myers, Dow 187, 125, 136Myers, James 159Myers, Sandra 159, 89, 97NNay, Hobart 177Naylor Julia 177, 109Nere, Jackie 177Neawedde, Virgil 177, 102Nebergall, Susan 187, 95, 86, 90Needy, Rebecca 159, 104, 95Needy, Patricia 187, 84, 85, 86, 66Nees, Dee 159Nevins, Sherry 159, 89, 95, 100Newlin, John 187Newton, Susan 159, 93Nichols, Edgar 159Nichols, Gloria 188, 91Nichols, Steve 188, 97Nickas, Harriet 160Nickas, Jane 160, 46, 89, 26, 83, 82Nickless, Rodney 160220
Collection: Bloomington High School

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