Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1964, Page 190

Description: Higgins, Stella 60, 70, 122Hill, Mike 153Hill, Nat 64, 99, 102, 153Hill, Sherry 53, 55, 56, 60, 70,83, 123, 131Hill, Trudy 69, 77, 153Hillenburg, Alan 153Hillenburg, Anna 153Hillenburg, Jack 64, 105, 106,161Hillenburg, Marilyn 143Hillenburg, Mary 62, 65, 109,164Hillenburg, Wydonna 153Hines, Nancy 62, 109, 161Hinkle, Libby 69, 143Hinkle, Marcia 21, 66, 78, 88,143Hinkle, Roberta 76, 88, 153Hittle, Phyllis 61, 69, 143Hodge, Eddie 123Hoehne, Katherine 123Hoene, Emmett 153Hoene, Roger 161Hoff, Linda 57, 164Hoggatt, Margaret 3, 67, 70,123Hoggatt, Nancy 88Hoke, Gloria 60, 143Hoke, Gregory 57, 64, 167Hollars, Linda 77, 143Hollars, William 153Hollers, Dale 153Holmes, David 71, 105, 106,161, 108Holmes, James 167Holmes, Janis 61, 69, 70, 74, 143Holsapple, Diana 153Holtsclaw, Jane 72, 88, 153Hood, Gary 73, 153Hoskins, Phillip 68, 70, 75, 143Hostetler, Archie 143Hosteller, Shirley 143Howe, Bill 153Howe, Richard 65, 164Howell, Rita 143Hoy, Carolyn 143Hoy, Sharon 143Hudoff, Gary 123Hudoff, Ronald 153Hudson, Connie 61, 69, 70, 74,143Hudson, Ronald 65, 106, 161Hueston, Kathy 62, 88, 164Huff, James 50, 64, 105, 108,164Huffman, Jackie 61, 70, 71, 74,77, 123Humphrey, Robin 64, 71, 103,143, 184Humphrey, Sherlyn 74, 77, 123Hunsucker, Brenda 50, 56, 58,60, 74, 75, 99, 143Hunt, Jacqueline 68, 76, 143Hunter, Harry 69, 88, 91, 123Hunter, Mike 5, 58, 64, 143Hurlev, James 161Hurst^ Betty 78, 143Hunter, Mike 56, 59, 143Hupp, Ernest 153Hutcherson, Jeanne 71, 143Hyde, Carol 72, 123Hyde, David 154Hynds, Robert 154Hyde, Susie 56, 60, 87, 143Ice, Kenneth 154Ice, Terry 143Inman, Darlene 65, 167Inman, Gary 154Inman, Jess 88, 91, 154Inman, Jim 73, 90, 101, 154Isom, Authur 154Isom, Carol 69, 88, 143Isom, Dennis 167Ison, Marilyn 60, 66, 74, 124Jackson, Curtis 88, 91, 143Jackson, David 143Jackson, Joe 143Jackson, Mary 69, 154Jackson, Patty 154Jackson, Robert 154Jackson, Sandy 62, 73, 161Jackson, Steve 154Jacobs, Leslie 154Jacobs, Nancy 60, 74, 124Jacobs, Suzanne 50, 60, 143James, Roy 154Jean, Brenda 61, 77, 78, 124Jean, Beverly 63, 154Jean, Gerald 124Jean, Sharon 63, 154Jeffers, Donna 52, 54, 60, 74,124, 175, 179, 182, 183Jeffers, Linda 58, 66, 154Jeffers, Ronnie 143Jenkins, Helena 76, 154Jessup, Gregory 94, 143Jewell, Reba 60, 69, 72, 74,76, 124Johns, Robert 64, 73, 99, 144Johnson, Alicia 50, 56, 58, 60,68, 74, 124, 66Johnson, Amy 60, 71, 75, 144Johnson, Bill 90Johnson, Carolyn 60, 77, 83, 124Johnson, Claude 64, 105, 106,108, 161Johnson, Donald 77, 144Johnson, Irene 161Johnson, James 75, 154Johnson, Lark 65, 73, 161Johnson, Linda 63, 88, 154Johnson, Rhonda 68, 73, 161Johnson, Sandra 161Johnson, Steve 144Johnson, Terry 63, 66, 154Johnson, Warren 66, 154Johnston, Bill 154Jollif, Mary 124Jolly, Barbara 61, 69, 144Jolly, Ron 124Jones, Barbara 52, 60, 70, 144,179, 181Jones, Beverly 56, 58, 60, 70,74, 82, 124Jones, Beverly T. 124Jones, Candy 154Jones, Carolyn 72, 144Jones, Connie 154, 179Jones, Connie L. 124, 136, 75Jones, David 56, 64, 154Jones, Janet 144Jones, Patty 60, 144Jones, Veletta 154Jordan, Debbie 50, 51, 60, 80,144Kane, Robert 71, 102, 144Kee, Jack 154Kellams, Marc 57, 71, 161Keller, Mildred 76, 154Kelley, Alveda 154Kelley, Bill 94, 124Kelley, Karol 144Kelley, Robert 65, 167Kendall, John 164Kendall, Pat 64, 78, 90, 154Kent, Clifford 154Kent, Kennith 154Keough, John 88, 91, 144Kerr, Barbara 124Kerr, Linda 155Kerr, Rick 55, 56, 58, 59, 74,125Kinder, Ken 144Kinder, LaTricia 155Kinder, Robbie 155Kinder, Ruth 155King, Ardella 60, 71, 144King, Mary 155King, Shirley 57, 65, 167Kinnaman, James 58, 64, 125Kinser, Ricky 144Kinser, Ronald 65, 164Kinyon, David 64, 67, 155Kirby, William 155Kirk, David 56, 155Kirkman, Denna 61, 77, 124Kisters, Ginger 57, 161Klanu, Connie 69, 161Kleindorfer, Charles 102, 144Kleindorfer, James 161Knarr, Michael 57, 167Knight, Joyce 155Koontz, Connie 60, 70, 82, 144Koontz, Karen 144Kramer, Linda 144Krampf, Susan 56, 63, 153Krebs, Evalyn 65, 167Krepps, Jim 5, 13, 82, 83, 125Lafollette, Ilene 65, 57, 167Lake, Linda 144Lamb, Ellen 52, 60, 70, 144, 179Lampkins, Rusty 64, 155Lanam, James 144Lanam, Linda 56, 63, 155Lane, Ronnie 144Langley, Becky 73, 161Langley, Don 144Langley, Glenda 58, 60, 144Lankston, Kathy 155Lankston, Robert 125Lashbrook, Mike 57, 65, 108,164Lashbrook, Richard 103, 144Latimer, Mike 78, 155Lavender, Becky 167Lavender, Charles 105Lavender, Judy 61, 144Lavender, Lana 155Lavender, Michael 56, 59, 91,125Lavender, Patricia 155Lavender, Roger 155Lawrence, Jack 144Lawrence, James A. 77, 125Lawrence, James 155Lawrence, John 56, 69, 155Lawson, Chuck 155Lawson, Diana 155Lawson, Linda 144Lawson, Marilyn 63, 155Lawson, Mary 155Lawson, Mary G. 161Lawson, Mike 161Lawson, Sherie 125Layman, Beverly 161Leach, Mark 155League, Phyllis 144LeBeau, Richard 76, 155Lee, Gary 161Leffler, Barbara 63, 155Leffler, John 164Lemon, David 67, 71, 155Lentz, Don 125Lentz, Tom 125Lentz, Walter 161Lester, Carolyn 155Lettelleir, Teresa 155Lettelleir, Tim 155Levens, James 64, 125Lewis, Edward 68, 144Lilly, Elizabeth 50, 63, 77, 155Lindle, Steven 155Lindsey, Cheryl 56, 58, 60, 82,83, 123, 125Linthicum, Frances 63, 82, 155Livingston, Cheryl 61, 70, 74,77, 125, 83Livingston, Connie 63, 66, 155Livingston, Lana 62, 164Livingston, Larry 155Livingston, Mike 65, 164Lockhart, Sandra 61, 145Loney, Dixie 71, 145Long, Joseph 125Long, Martha 145Lopatkin, Eva 125Love, Louie 67, 155Lowe, Judi 63, 155Lucas, Barbara 58, 63, 69, 155Lucas, Gary 164Lucas, Judith 155Ludwig, Mike 106, 164Lung, Ralph 64, 105, 161Lutes, David 66, 68, 155Lyle, Andy 102, 143Maddox, Dan 155Maguire, Carol 53, 60, 74, 126,177, 185Malsbury, Frank 102, 145Manley, Frances 145Marrs, Carolyn 63, 155Marrs, Marlene 58, 60, 71, 75,126Martin, Bryan 67, 145Martin, Gary 155Martin, Harlan 64, 126Martin, Linda 145Martin, Steve 67, 155Martindale, Chuck 66, 126Mason, Janice 88, 72, 155Massey, Karen 57, 65, 167Masters, James 41, 58, 64, 126Masters, Ronnie 58, 155Matarale, Toni 155Mathews, Diana 57, 62, 88, 161Mathews, Steve 64, 78, 145Matthews, George 71, 105, 161Matthews, John 126Matthews, Mary 57, 62, 167May, Charles 161May, Danny 155May, Don 56, 58, 67, 155May, Gloria 145May, Jim 155May, Delmar 126May, Dottie 167May, Linda 77, 126May, Mike 64, 161May, Bob 126May, Sharon 66, 126McAdam, David 126McClain, Linda 56, 58, 63, 156McClary, Carolyn 63, 67, 156McClary, Kenneth 67, 145McClung, Allene 145McConnell, Jerry 23, 70, 91,126McConnell, Larry 70, 156McConnell, Ralph 90, 156McConnell, Terry 53, 54, 70,126McCoy, Glenda 156McCullough, Kirby 126McCutchen, John 57, 71, 105,106, 161McCutchen, Steve 64, 65, 167McElhinney, Nyle 156McFadden, Byron 58, 64, 67,68, 88, 91, 126McFadden, Konda 56, 58, 63, 69.156McGlothlin. Dale 156McGuire, Bonnie 69, 145McGuire, Jim 73McGuire, Terry 64, 65, 167McKinnis, Lee 78, 99, 156McKitrick, Bryan 57, 164McKitrick, Camile 56, 68, 74,127McKitrick, Jeff 156McLaughlin, Janice 65, 73, 167McLemore, Pam 72, 156McMillin, Chuck 127McMullen, Joel 156McNamara, Susie 56, 58, 74, 82,145McNew, Linda 56, 58, 60, 67,145McPheeters, Bob 64, 77, 127McPike, Mike 143McPike, Ollie 99, 156McWhorter, Joe 42, 145Meadows, Bill 145Meadows, Paul 57, 164Meadows, Paula 155Medaris, Connie 62, 65, 73, 167Medaris, Georgianna 60, 71, 143Medley, Dona 69, 161Meeks, Francis 145Mefford, Mike 13, 50, 51, 61,88, 127Mercer, Terri 127Messmer, Doug 75, 127Michael, Bill 145Mick, Barbara 57Mick, Janet 63, 82, 87, 135Miller, David K. 82, 145Miller, David L. 145Miller, Harrietta 88, 145Miller, Jackie 88, 127Miller, Joe 53, 64, 71, 155, 185Miller, Scott 56, 70, 83, 91,104, 127Miller, LeeAnn 62, 164Miller, Rosanne 56, 58, 75, 128Milligan, Mike 161Milligan, Vivan 145Mills, Bill 164Mills, Michelle 56, 58, 60, 127,131Mills, Dickie 106, 161Minett, Penni 164Mingee, David 64, 70, 91, 93.104, 128Mingee, Mike 164Mingee, Patty 128Mingee, Rita 161Minnick, Jane 60, 66, 82, 145Minnick, Sandra 57, 161Minnick, Tina 60, 145Mitchell, Ernie 145Mitchell, John 56, 64, 66, 68.78, 155Mitchell, Linda 63, 155Mitchell, Mike 88, 101, 148, 155Mitchell, Dick 50, 57, 64, 167Mitchell, Steve 82, 128Mitchell, Bill 145Mitchner, Sondra 60, 143Moat, Donna 155Mobley, Beth 63, 155Mobley, Mike 145Modesitt, Mark 83, 128Moman, Charlene 57, 65, 167Moman, Charles 57, 64, 167Moman, Richard 67, 68, 82, 155Moody, Barbara 62, 67, 161Moody, Mary 50, 57, 62, 164Mooney, Gary 161Mooney, Terry 167Moonshower, Terry 155Moore, Cindy 63, 155Moore, Geraldine 161Moore, Karen 53. 61, 74, 81, 87,83, 128, 131Moore, Merle 155Moore, Mike 90, 155Moore, Philip 50, 64, 71, 90,101, 150, 155Morel, Bob 57, 161Morel, Russell 82, 83, 128Morris, Charles 145Morrison, Carolyn 128Moser,-Nancy 70, 145Mullins, Paul 91, 102, 145Mullis, Larry 64, 91, 80, 128Mull, Linda 60, 145Murphy, Aleta 68, 145Murphy, Larry 167Murphy, Martha 56, 70, 82, 155Myers, Gary 71, 155Myers, Jim 161Myers, Sallie 155Myers, Sherry 145Myers, Stella 60, 145Myers, Ronnie 155Myers, Yvonne 72Myers, Zerelda 161Naylor, John 73, 128Neag, Mike 16490
Collection: Bloomington High School

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