Collection Order

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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1964, Page 80

Description: *mMr. Samuel Singer proudly displays a sign stolenfrom the halls of a city rival during one of hisrousing speeches.Booster Club officers, Mike Roll, Karra Sare, Debbie Jordan, and JohnSlavich met to plan activities of the club.Boom-Chicka-Boom! Hey! was a familiar sound as a record-breaking Sr. Booster Club supported the Panthers at homeand away games. The Boosters, whose membership passed the400 mark, assisted in developing, increasing, and maintainingschool spirit. The club presented pep sessions, sponsored busesfor away games, and made and distributed posters to furtherstudents interest in athletic events and the school. The officerswere Mike Roll, president: Debbie Jordan, vice-president; KarraSare, secretary; and John Slavich, treasurer. The sponsor wasMr. Samuel Singer.Students School SpiritOver 300 junior high students hacked their teams180
Collection: Bloomington High School

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