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0006_Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1965, Page 2

Description: The Year Belonged to You.It Was Good Only if You Made It So.Study, the purpose of school, takes time and hard work. For MillieYost, and most other students, it often means working late atnight, but for a reason—the wealth of our education.The bells have rung the last time for 64-65-no school tomorrow—none until next fall, and forsome, perhaps, never again. All that is left of thepast year are a few notebooks, pencils, foldedreport cards—and memories. Every day was nearlythe same—studying, teachers, friends—an endless flow of words. There werent many bigthings that happened during a school day; thesmall personal things made it what it was foryou—laughter or tears, joy or sorrow. The yearbelonged to you. It was good only if you madeit so.Football has its tough times for Terry AAoonshower as he sitsout the game with an ice-pack on his foot. School, too, hasits tough times—along with the good.Friends, as important as our study, make high school one ofthe most memorable and happy periods of our lives. HereCarl Stewart helps Lana Turner with her coat before leavingschool.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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