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Many hours of practice, trial and error, go into every band performance.Bob Jordan and Ronnie Buskirk use the experience they gain as membersof Photo Club in their work in photography on the GOTHIC staff.Supplemented Our EducationWilla Mood and Ed Gardner as Commodore and Mrs. Crochet get togetherin a scene from The Great Big Doorstep.In 1962 we discovered that there was more to getting an education than could be learned from books,teachers, and class discussions.During a convocation on space exploration welearned about the stages of a rocket and the difficulties of travel in outer space. Some of us took an activepart in the athletic program, and learned the lessonsthat are taught by perseverance, hard work, a winningseason, and a losing season. Many of us belonged toone or more of the thirty-seven clubs organized atBHS. Having a part in Our Town, giving a campaign speech before the Junior Class, and learninghow to print pictures were some of the activities andexperiences that supplemented our education in 62. |
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Bloomington High School |
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