Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1961, Page 176

Description: Hollars, Don —55, 123Hollen, Mary 43, 33, 107Holler, Linda 23, 131Hollingsworth, Kathy 23, 28, 32,131Holtsclaw, Jean 146Hood, Larry 43, 45, 55, 123Hoover, David 123Hopkins, Faye 107Hoskins, Phillip .43, 148Hoult, Paul .123Howard, Lynne .26, 33, 36, 107Howe, Bill -136, 150Howell, Merilyn 31, 123Howell, Phyllis 131Hoy, Dale 131Huff, Nancy 35Huffman, Candace 138, 142, 149Huffman, Leonard 143, 150Hummel, Mike 22, 42, 68, 123Humphrey, Charles —136,138, 143,149Humphrey, Gary 33, 123Hunsucker, Brenda 138, 137Hunter, Danny 149Hunter, Larry 107Hupp, Linda 146Hutchens, Brenda 146Hutchens, Brenda 150Hutchens, Jackie 131Hutcherson, Jeane 18, 137, 138,149Hutton, Barbara 131Ice, Reatha 35, 45, 85, 123Inman, James 150Inman, Janice 23, 131Inman, Jess 143, 150Isaacs, Sharon 20, 38, 40, 107Isom, Janet . .26, 33, 41, 123Isom, Marilyn 45, 146Jacobs, Ann 18, 23, 131Jacobs, Barbara .43, 123Jacobs, Max 31, 108Jacobs, Michael ...123Jacobs, Nancy 35, 146Jacobs, Suzanne 137, 139, 141,149Jacobs, James 31, 123Jackson, Dallas 107Jackson, Dinah 20, 42, 123Jackson, Joseph 43, 149Jackson, Larry 30, 46, 108Jackson, Mary 141, 150Jackson, Sandra 23, 131Jackson, William 58, 131James, Roy ...136, 150176Jean, Barbara 21, 34, 23, 123Jean, Gloria 20, 28, 34, 38, 108Jean, Tom 31, 45, 67, 123Jeffers, Linda .21, 38, 40, 108Jeffers, Bernice 149Jennings, Jack 6, 30, 38, 55, 57,131Jewell, Rebecca June 131Jewell, Rita Ann 123Johnson, Billy 108Johnson, Carolyn _....141, 146Johnson, Linda .142, 150Johnson, Mike 131Johnson, Peggy 21, 38, 40, 108Johnson, Terry 140, 151Johnson, Richard 149Johnson, Shannon 23, 35, 46, 131Johnston, Linda 23, 45, 131Johnston, Reece 24, 36, 108Jolliff, Brenda 30, 33, 42, 123Jolliff, Mary 139, 146Jolly, Ron 33, 146Jones, Barbara 142, 149Jones, Beverly A. 146Jones, Beverly T. 141, 146Jones, Charles 131Jones, Connie 146Jones, Fonya 20, 36, 40, 108Jones, Howard 39, 108Jones, Joanna 40, 131Jones, Raymond 131Jones, Robert 131Jordan, Robert 131Kahl, Linda 26, 31, 30, 37, 123Kelley, James .131Kelley, Kirk 123Kelley, Rita .....21, 123Kelley, Roger 131Kelley, Sandra 20, 123Keough, Danny 34, 54, 123Kent, Charles 18, 22, 42, 53, 65,108Kercher, Judith 137, 138, 140,141, 151Kerr, Danny 108Kerr, Grant 131Kieft, Randy 123King, Jayne 20, 33, 40, 108Kinnaman, James 143, 146Kinnaman, Martha 20, 123Kinser, Karen 131Kinser, Rickey 149Kinsman, Jimmie 151Kinyon, Marlin 140, 151Kirby, Marlin 131Kisters, Richard 131Koon, Russell 131Koontz, Bonnie 23, 131Koontz, Elvin 18, 28, 31, 45, 123Koontz, Linda 133Koontz, Phyllis —23, 45, 131Krebbs, Linda 131Koontz, Micheal 146Krebbs, Paulette 123Lake, Clovis —108Lake, Horace 131Lake, Linda 137, 149Lamb, Ellen 137, 138, 141, 142,149Lanam, Linda 137, 141, 138, 151Lanam, Phyllis 21, 36, 40, 108Land, Joseph 131Lane, Virgil 108Langley, Annetta 33, 123Lankford, Richard —34, 42, 123Lashbrook, Richard 136, 149Laven, John 30, 42, 109Laven, Sandra 123Lawhead, Tommy 45, 131Lawrence, Jack 149Lawrence, James 151Lawrence, John 151Lawson, Cheryl 131LaFollette, Verna 137, 149Layman, Mary Ann 23, 26, 131Lee, Richard ...43, 44, 45, 109Lentz, Donald 146Lentz, Frieda 23, 131Lentz, Michael 45, 109Lentz, Tommy 146Lettelleir, Donna 40, 109Lettelleir, Robie 123Lettelleir, Teresa .151Levens, James 143, 146Lewis, Rebecca 23, 40, 46, 131Lewis, William 38, 109Lilly, Elizabeth 137, 139, 151Lindsey, Cheryl 35, 45, 138, 141,146Linthicum, Larry 109Litchfield, Peggy 28, 35, 38, 109Livingston, Cheryl 146Livingston, Franklin 131Livingston, Larry 54, 65, 70Lockhart, Verna 35, 131Loder, John 46, 131Logan, Vickie 146Logsdon, Betty 33, 123Lomax, Janet 43, 131Long, Joseph ...146Loop, Carole 20, 123Love, Bonnie 131Lucas, Brenda 131
Collection: Bloomington High School

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