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IConventions Here We Come .FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OFAMERICA— (Front Row) left toright: S. Bush, M. Walls, M. Kirk,B. Whaley, C. Waldon, M. Long,B. Baker, N. Dillingham, B. Stillions. (Second Row) S. Culbert,N. Arthur, J. Sipes, C. Hazel, S.Hummel, N. Pardue, P. Deckard,Mrs. R. Modesitt. (Third Row)Miss J. Kunz, M. Wright, B. Jolliff, J. Hughes, J. Anderson, P.Watson, J. East, J. Isom, S. Brown.(Fourth Row) L. Higgins, G. Pire-grine, J. Rice, B. Logsdon, M.Hollen, R. Arthur, J. Adams, D.Long. (Fifth Row) L. Howard, S.Benton, D. Wilson, M. Davis, E.Borno, C. Gardner, N. Whitlow.Christmas caroling for elderly people, attendingthe Indiana University student Christmas program,and a party at Miss Kunzs house gave depth and joyto the Future Homemakers of America at Christmastime.One of their most important projects was the fundraising campaign to earn money for their scholarship which was presented on honor day to a seniorplanning to major in home economics. Selling Christmas cards was the main source of income for thisproject. Also, in connection with a state project, theysupported a war orphan. Then traveling to Salemin the fall and Georgetown in the spring, they attended the district conventions.Leadership was provided by Carol Walden, president; Marlene Walls, vice-president; Brenda Whaley,secretary; Marilyn Long, treasurer; and Miss JaniceKunz and Mrs. Rosemary Modesitty, sponsors.Future Farmers of America experienced a busyyear plus extensive traveling. Proof of this was theprogram of work established for their meetingswhereby members were divided into eight committees. Each committee prepared its own goal andthe ways and means of achieving it.On the road they attended district meetings, a district contest at Columbus, an officers trainingschool at Hancock Central, and the all-importantstate convention at Lafayette.These many activities were directed by Jim Musgrave, president; Dick Francis, vice-president; AllanEasterday, secretary; Gary Fishel, treasurer; andMr. Justin Graves, sponsor.FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA— (Front Row) left to right: G.Fishel, R. Anderson, R. Anderson,R. Ferran, R. Carmicheal, J. Hamm,A. Easterday. (Second Row) Mr.J. Graves, L. McNeal, J. Dollens,G. Humphrey, J. Meyers, B. Young,F. Mullis. (Third Row) J. Bruner,B. Conder, M. Crouch, R. Harris!D. Douthitt, R. Wenricn. (FourthRow) D. Hittle, D. Sparks, J.Musgrave, M. Gross, D. Francis, D.Waldrip, A. Scherschel. |
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Bloomington High School |
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