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...,....,111 I I II Nil IIBottom row, left to right: Sandy Kelly, Janet Graves, Janet Wyatt, Sarah Van Etten, Marie Polley, Lillian Hardy, Ruth Wiley, Sharon Peterson, Margery Sylvester, Carol Rush, Judy Hobbs, Diana Brinson, Anna Lee Hankins, Marilyn Sparks, Rita Kelly, Carole Harvey. Second row:Sharon Shouffler, Fonya Jones, Janet Flick, Brenda Sarber, Brenda Deckard, Sandra Peterson, Mary Banning, Linda Underwood, Martha Thompson, Nancy Dillingham, Sharon Somes, Jean Snapp, Sandra Rea, Sally Beyers, Patricia Burge. Third row: Judy Sparks, Judy Thompson, CarolHenderson, Linda Rogers, June Scott, Woodina Covington, Sarah Broning, Charla Canada, Deana Taylor, Denia Baker, Sally Freeland, SharonBayne, Dora Foster, Janice Skeroen, Barbara Jean. Fourth row: Mary Modesett, Deana Stout, Shirley May, Carolyn Brashaber, Maudaline Stogd-still, Jane VanWinkle, Sally Bush, Ann Walters, Sara Merriman, Kathleen Freeman, Janette Burch, Sharon Nikirk, Charlene Day, KarenFreeman, Rhea Hampton.Silver TriangleThe Silver Triangle Club of Bloomington High School is anorganization for young high school girls. This club, consisting of freshman and sophomore girls, is a branch of the YoungWomens Christian Association. During the first meeting, allfreshmen and new sophomore girls were duly initiated intothe club at a very impressive candlelight service. The officersconducted the initiation ceremony, an annual event of theorganization, and explained for the benefit of all the membersof the club that the ideals of Silver Triangle is to promoteleadership ability and to strengthen the Christian faith. At theclose of the initiation, refreshments, cookies and ice cream,were served. As the year progressed, the club participated inseveral altruistic programs. At Christmas, each girl brought agift for one of the handicapped children at the ExchangeHouse on the Indiana University campus. The girls chose theage and sex of the child to receive the intended gift. Aftercollecting the gifts, the Silver Triangle girls attended a galaChristmas party held at the Exchange House.Silver Triangle officers: Janice Skirvin, Judy Davis, Jennifer Fields,Janet Flick, Terresa Thompson, Barbara Baderstcher, Paula Hankins,Julia Binkley.24This page sponsored by THE BLOOMINGTON NATIONAL BANK, Fast, Courteous, Accurate |
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Bloomington High School |
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