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Backing our teamGirl Ushers. Row one: Hariette Burch,Bettye Naylor, Nancy Wylie, MarthaWilliams. Row two: Nancy Bourke,Geneva Snell, Barbara Tucker, SharonTourner, Marion Hutcherson, JanetPatton. Row three: Clarice Waldrip,Janice Coffey, Loretta Sparks, JanetTerrell, Jean Winders, Sue Hazel, JudyMitchell.i§ !The GIRL USHERS directed spectators to theirassigned seats at home basketball games and tournaments. The ushers, junior and senior girls, werechosen on the basis of outstanding character, personality, dependability, punctuality, and courtesy.Usher badges worn by the girls meant informationfor anyone desiring it. During the meetings thesponsor described the proper way to dress and actwhile ushering.The girl ushers regarded their membership as anhonor as well as a worth-while service to the school.The organization was under the sponsorship of MissLucile Swift.The SENIOR HIGH CHEERLEADERS CLUBencouraged leadership, scholarship, skill, rhythm, andpersonality for its members. These qualities wereused in picking the candidates for the Varsity Cheerleaders election conducted in the spring.To gain cheerleadership skills, the club was divided into three groups: Freshmen, Reserve, and Varsity. These groups gained experience by yelling atgames for their respective teams.Officers were Bonnie Flora, president; Ann Martin,vice-president; Joyce Mills, secretary; and PaddyEngle, treasurer. The club was sponsored by Mrs.Joan Travis.Senior Cheerleaders. Row one: AnnMartin, Barbara Clark, Starr Sare, Barbara Somes, Rachel Walker, CathyHinkle, Carol Waldon, Clara Hazel.Row two: Paddy Engle, Jody Fulford,Linda George, Kathryn Raab, JoyceMills, Evelyn Whaley, Sue Cox, KarleneScheibner. Row three: Joann Richardson, Judy Waldon, Julee Jones, JaneEast, Deanna Fiscus, Sharlene Snapp,Scotty Head, Jo Ann Mitchell, Mrs.Joan Travis. Row four: Philip Deckard,Ellen Huey, Jo Ann Chatfield, DonnaChandler, Karen Hamilton, Pat Curtis,Gloria Stillions, Kathi Rollins, DelmarHaywood.kPage thirty-eightThis page sponsored by MODERN CLEANERS—Loba Jack Bruner & Wendell Broun |
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Bloomington High School |
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