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TORCH CLUBRow One—Don Blewett, CharlesHadley, John C as sidy, RogerChandler, Jerry Hood, LarryLockridge, Larry Chestnut,Dwight Fleetwood, John Helms,Donald Altop, Charles Campbell,David Williams, Johnny Mathews, Mr. Earl Graves. RowTwo—Mr. Lor en Page, BillyHacker, Billy Pritchett, DickieWampler, I„arry Deckard, BillyPope, Lessle Clark, Ernest Higgins, Steven Danley, Bill Chandler, Jack Hawkins, John Danley,John Barrow, Larry Cline. RowThree—Jerry Ayers, Jerry Barrett, Hal Sites, Billy Evans,Steve Stipp, Larry Routen, Ronald Pedro, Butch Carrell, LarryClarke, Denny Mitchell, RonaldTapp, David Dixon, JimmyMahler, John Frye. Row FouiBilly Combs, Phil Rogers, RonnieDillingham, Mickey Reeves, KentLawson, Mike Lemonds, TomRoberts, Dicky Sparks, DannyDavies, Robert Boruff, MikeBaugh, Bruce Temple, Bob Col-gan, Donnie Johnson, BuddyMiller.A used clothing drive for the Public School WelfareDepartment was one of the most important activitiesof the 7th and 8th Grade Torch Club. These TorchClubs are junior high branches of the Y.M.C.A.This year for the first time the Torch Club has beendivided into two clubs, the 7th Grade and 8th GradeTorch Clubs. Presidents for the clubs were DickieSparks, 7th grade, and David Williams, 8th grade.The sponsor of the 7th Grade Torch Club is Mr. LorenPage, and Mr. Earl Graves sponsors the 8th GradeTorch Club.The Distributive Education Club was organized in thefall of 1946. It was called the Future Retailers. Thename was changed in 1948 to conform to the Distributive Education Clubs of this state and nation.Membership is open to students who are enrolled inRetail Selling. The highlight of the year was theEmployer-Employee Appreciation Banquet which washeld in April.Officers were Ronald Drake, president; Philip Burch,vice president; Shirley Harmon, secretary; Joyce Brown,treasurer. The sponsor is Mr. V. W. Babb.FUTURE RETAILERSRow One—Joyce Brown, Marlene McGuire,Velma Wrightsman, Barbara Hollars, PatTrueblood, Martha Watkins, Margie Reynolds. Row Two—Mr. V. W. Babb, RonnieDrake, Philip Burch, Ellen Shields, Meri-deth McDaniel, Ellen Richardson, RichardFrye, Frank Sturgis. Row Three—JohnCollins, Johnny King, John Martin, VictorHood, Tim Ellis, Monty McCammon, RobertFox, Otis Edwards.This Page Sponsored byBLOOMINGTON PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE |
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Bloomington High School |
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