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The Machine Age:Industrial Arts and AgricultureBoys interested in Industrial Arts find courses in machine shop,mechanical drawing, woodwork, and printing helpful in developingtheir abilities. Today industry is essential to people all over theworld and skill in all fields is necessary . . . Skill, too, is needed inagriculture. Boys are trained in Agriculture classes to becomemore proficient farmers. This aim is attained by means of classroom study and on the farm by practice in project work.Mr. Justin Graves — B.S.A.Purdue University — Vocational Agriculture.Mr. Paul Vonderschmidt — B.S., IndianaState Teachers College — Printing ....Mr. Dale Modesitt — B.S., Indiana StateTeachers College — Junior High Shop . . .Mr. Delmas Vaughan — B.S., M.S., IndianaState Teachers College — Machine Shopand Farm Shop .... Mr. Joseph T. Avery— A.B., Asbury College — MechanicalDrawing and Woodwork .... Mr. J. W.Stradling — A.B., Indiana State TeachersCollege;.M.S., Indiana University — Printing and Director-Coordinator of Vocational Education.This Page Sponsored by BAKER & OWENS, 116 S. Madison StreetPage 19 |
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Bloomington High School |
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