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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1945, Page 85

Description: OPTIMIST STAFFWho doesnt look forward to the Optimist each Friday? Credit for this anticipation is due to the Optimist Staff sponsored by Miss Hopewell. Working frantically to complete assignments before thedeadline, any member of the staff can beseen darting through the hall questioningfirst one student, then another. Much tothat interviewed students surprise, he readshis name in the next issue of our schoolpaper.To qualify for the staff a student musthave twelve inches of copy printed in theOptimist. To remain on the staff, eachmember must maintain an active writingschedule by contributing copy for eachissue.This year Jack Finley acted as editor-in-chief during the first semester and NormaAdams the second semester.Top Picture—Howard Dess, Norma Adams,Pat Mitchell.Center Picture: Row 1—Ellen Cunningham,Betty Farr, Paul Buchanan, Jeannine At-wood, Jerry Goen, Donald Coan.Row 2—Paul Terrell, Tommy Isom, JackHays, Maribelle Shaw, LeRoy Dearring, BillyConstable, Roseanna Behen, Barbara Whaley.Row 3—Miss Hopewell, Betty Vanderburg,David Day, Norma Lou Humphrey, LouisCampbell.Now Shown—Clarence Skirvin.Lower Picture, left: Genevieve Bennett, PhilBadger, Josephine Botkin, Ralph Spears.Right: Miss Hopewell, Jack Finley.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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