Collection Order

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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1945, Page 50

Description: CLASS OF 47Row 1—Fred Jolly, Martha Jones, Phyllis Jean Jones, Mary Judah, Paul Kimmett, BettieLou Kinder, Johnny King, Delmer Kirk, Erma Kirk, Pauline Kleindorfer, Tom Ladyman,Clarence La Master.Row 2—Coleman La Master, Jim Landrum, Dick Languell, Marilyn Languell, Ray Lanum,Phyllis Lavender, Jack Lentz, Don Lewis, Patty Lewis, Jane Litten, Jean Lively, DaleLivingston.Row 3—Loisanne Long, Donald Lowrey, Richard Lyons, Esther Marlin, Charles Martin,Doris Martin, Betty Martindale, Bob Marty, Virginia Marxson, Mildred May, Audrey Mc-Daniel, John McGlothlin.Row 4—Don McGuire, Edith Claire McNeely, Harold Melton, Aurand Merida, FrancesMiller, Roger Miller, Bill Minton, Idalea Moore, Ray Morrow, Bill Myers, Lloyd Neal,Mary Frances Newton.Row 5—Paul Newton, Curnel Nikirk, Joyce Nikirk, Phyllis Nikirk, Richard Noel, TommyNoel, Paula Norman, Ernest Norris, Gladys Ooley, Betty Owens, Margrette Pardue,Beverly Parham.AUTOGRAPHSRow 6—Don Parham, Harriette Parks, Lois Pate, Wilma Pate, Harry Patton, Carl Richard Payne, Bob Pemberton, Leon Patterson, Delores Joyce Phelps, Dale Ping, deceased,David Pitcher, Maxine Porter.Row 7—Carl Price, Mervin Pritchard, Carol Lee Pritchett, Melba Purcell, Reva Quimby,Helen Ragle, Dale Raper, Beverly Ray, Joe Records, Phil Richardson, Wilma Richardson,Anna Ritter.Row 8—Earl Robertson, Homer Robertson, Martha Jane Robertson, Lorene Robinson,David Robinson, Rosann Rogers, Willis Rogers, Marvin Routen, Margaret Rush, JuanitaRushton, Robert E. Schubnell, Bill Schwab.Row 9—Robert Sego, Clyde Eugene Shepherd, Martha Jane Shields, Irene Shirley, JackShively, Robert Sipes, Ruth Sipes, Max Skirvin, Anna Lee Smith, Clara Joan Smith,Frances Smith, Virginia Snow.Row 10—Betty Spalding, Roger Sparks, Philip Speer, Raymond Stancombe, KennethStansifer, Bob Stewart, Don Stewart, Ralph Stewart, Robert L. Stewart, Virginia AlbertaStidd, Louise Stogsdill, James Stewart.Row 11—Paul Edward Stultz, Dorothy Louise Sturgeon, Bob Swango, Wilma Sylvester,Robert Sympson, Don Szatkowski, Joe Taylor, Paul Taylor, Martha Templeton, BarbaraThompson, Gilbert Thornton, Norma Todd.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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