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Row I — Mary Hazel, RoseMarie Ryan, Retha Maudlin,Florence Routen, Mr. Mc-Adams, Bettelou Richardson,Evelyn Bullock, Jean Speer,Joan Alexander, Mary O-Bannon, Miss Unger.Row 2 — Betty Vest, IleneWilliams, Velma Wells, Margaret Ann Myers, Betty Patton, Margaret Selzer, JoannEverly, Mary Lois Eads,Olena Martin, Colleen Bruner, Tava Bruner.Row 3 — Don Mercer, JoeKennedy, Maxine Bunger,Geraldine Watts, HazelFunkhouser, Betty Richardson, Juanita Smith, MaryCarter, Maxine Smedley.Row 4—Grover Walter, Jimmy Eads, Jim Cook, HarryMcGlocklin, Bill Newton,George Chambers.Row 1 — Madeline Peace,Jimmie Humphrey, Max Bender, Betty Cline, Mary LouMartin, Kitsy Swain, RondyBidwell, Mary KatherineFox, Wilma Rae Hanna, EvaRichardson, Rebecca Find-ley, Betty Myers, Mary LeeAdams.Row 2—Earl Eberle, DavidWininger, Jack Cravens,George Stultz, Alma Chambers, Marjorie Starr, MelbaEngledow, I r m a Graebe,Margie Myers, Phyllis Freeman, Betty Harrell, ThelmaOwens, Barbara Adams,Ann Abbett.Row 3—Roger Miller, William E. Norman. MarjorieBenckart, Florence Routen,Retha Maudlin, Betty LouRichardson, Evelyn Bullock,Jean Speer, Lois McGee,Betty Spaulding, Mr. Conn.Row 4—Bob Hedrick, LouisMaire, Peggy Peters, KaySmith, Ruth Thomas, Charmain Thompson, MargaretHayes, Sanford E. Drake,Betty Jo Henbest, EleanorParker, Dennis Royalty.COMMERCIAL CLUBCAMERA CLUBThe Commercial Club presented B. H. S.sfirst afternoon dance of the year, the Ed andCo-Ed Hop, on December 10. As the socialfeature for the second semester they held ahilarious skating party at the Airport RollerRink.Outside speakers, quizzes and a Christmasparty in the cafeteria have been featured intheir programs.The officers are: Mary Lois Eads, president;Jim Cook, vice-president; Joan Alexander, secretary; Bill Newton, treasurer; Miss Unger andMr. McAdams, sponsors. Betty Vest and RethaMaudlin have headed the program and socialcommittees, respectively.Hollywood has nothing on B. H. S. TheCamera Club, in collaboration with the seniorclass, this year is shooting an all-school moviefeaturing high school life and Monroe Countyactivities.A dark room has been equipped for this club,and the members are taught how to use it fordeveloping films, etc.The officers are: Dennis Royalty, president;Marge Benckart, vice-president; Kay Smith,secretary; Mary Lou Martin, treasurer; and Mr.Conn, sponsor. |
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Bloomington High School |
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