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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1935, Page 82

Description: BASKETBALLJOE LETTELLEIRJunior, ForwardCoach Phillips opened the 1935-36 basketballseason for Bloomington High School in the earlypart of October. He had five men returningaround which he built a team to be feared by allwho met them. The first month and a halt otpractice was spent by the boys working into goodphysical shape and learning new plays. I heWINFRED HEADLEYSophomore, Centersquad soon rounded into good form and the seasonopened on November the 23rd. This game wasplayed with the Warsaw lads, and although defeated our boys showed that they had the spiritthat a basketball team must have. In the nextgame, which was played at Seymour, the teamproved to us that they had what it takes bytrouncing the Seymour Owls 39-22.GILBERT CHANDLERJunior, ForwardThe following Friday Bloomington suffered another defeat at the hands of the jasper quintet.The score at the final gun stood 25-18. mePanthers journeyed down to Bedford the followingFriday. The Stonecutters proved themselves to bejust the slightest bit better than the Panthers andwith very hard playing they defeated us 17-15.We returned to our home floor next to meetthe Alices of Vincennes. Vincennes which alwayshas a tough team went home with a 31 -25 victoryPAUL WORLEYSenior, Forward and CuardThen came Martinsville, our most dreaded opponent and to the joy of all the people in Bloomington, our boys came home with a 28-17 victory.With this victory to pep our team they took thenext two games with Columbus and Central ofDALE ROCERSSenior, Center and CuardEvansville. The scores of these games were 44-27and 31-11 respectively.The first game to be played in the new yearwas against Greencastle with the Greencastle ladscoming out ahead, the score being 23-20. Inthe following three games the team hit its winning stride again and took Vincennes, Mitchell,
Collection: Bloomington High School

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