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■ Across—Max Woolery, Patricia Wingert, Sydney-Robinson, Louise Foster, Dick Reed, Paul Visher, LenBunger, Henry Smith.Standing—Mr. Gooch.NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUEOutstanding speakers of Bloomington High School who possessa high scholastic average are eligible to become members of the National Forensic League upon the completion of certain requirements.To qualify for membership in this honorary organization a student must participate in interscholastic forensic contests to theextent of qualification for the Degree of Merit and, in addition, mustrank in the upper two-thirds of his class.Upon acceptance into membership, work toward the goal of aDegree of Distinction, which is the highest degree attainable, begins.It is the purpose of the N. F. L. to promote the interests of interscholastic debate, oratory, and public speaking by encouraging aspirit of fellowship and by conferring upon deserving candidates aworthy badge of honor.For the seventh time, the Bloomington Invitational DebateTourney was again conducted this year. Ben Davis High Schoolcopped first place while our own team, ranking fourth, neverthelesstriumphed over her traditional rival, Bedford.On the B. H. S. team were Len Bunger, Louise Foster, DickReed, Sydney Robinson, Paul Visher, Patty Lou Wingert, and othersfrom the Debate Team.Page seventy-four |
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Bloomington High School |
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