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After the ShowCome ToTheREXALLDRUG STOREEast Side of SquareWe congratulate the Seniorson finishing their High Schoolwork, and compliment the schooldirectors and instructors on thefine school system we have.t^tnnzzzsOw-ssSHOE SHOPS-l&r&isiieS&joeldepairiTig119 Eaitrif&Sl««tt. 4- Gloomin&lon Indian*^cS^AS>6v*-5-eThe De Luxe Ford is planned and produced for people who want thebasic Ford advantages with a little more luxury and style.The De Luxe Ford, like the Lincoln Zephyr—acknowledged style leader-—has flowing modern lines. It is roomy and richly appointed. Like allFord cars, it embodies important improvements in comfort and quiet, as wellas big hydraulic brakes. The smoothness and economy of its 85 hp, V-type,8 cylinder engine have been proved on the roads by millions of owners.In appearance, performance, and equipment, the De Luxe Ford V-8 setsa new high for low-price motor cars.GRAHAM MOTOR SALES COMPANY |
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Bloomington High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.