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Row 1—Flick, Mary Virginia* Flynn, Isaac; Foyleman, Lucille; Fowler,Glen; Freeman, Betty; Freeman, Phyllis; Freese, Betty; Frye, Mildred;Fyffe, Martha; Garland, Irene; Gebard, Mary; Gifford, Billy; Gill, Earl;Gillham, Lloyd. Row 2_Gigli, Lewis; Golden, Wayne; Goodman, Louis;Granier, Audrey; Graves, Floyd; Ganes, Mary Esther; Grey, Robert;Grissom, Virginia; Gross, Peggy; Hacker, Robert; Grubb, Mary; Haley,Beatrice; Haley, Paul; Hamlin, Dorothy. Row 3—Hamm, Joe; Hanna,Wilma Rae; Hardin, Herschel; Hardy, Robert; Hawkins, Hester; Hayden,Mary; Hays, Betty; Hazel, Charles; Hazelett, Mary Alice; Head, Louise;Heaton, Dorothy; Hedrick, Robert; Helton, Ruth; Hennon, Dick. Row 4—Herring, J. C; Hickam, Barbara; Higgins, Forrest; Hinkle, Alice; Hinkle,Kathleen; Hoke, Luella; Hollars, Mary; Hollars, Leonard; Homann,Charles; Hopper, Esther G.; Howe, Alice; Huff, David; Huff, Marjorie;Huffman, Evan Lee.HIHPIICLASS OF 1942Row 5—Hupp, Phillip; Hunter, Russell; Hunter, Wilma Jean; Hyde, Fern;Isom, Ethel; Isom, Ruth; Jackson, Iva; Jackson, Junior; Jackson, Marjorie; Jamison, Thelma; Jean, Rex; Johns, Rose Mary; Johnson, Barbara;Johnson, June. Row 6—Johnson, Phyllis; Johnson, Zelma; Jones, Juanita; Jones, Marjorie; Judah, Wayne; Kee, Mildred; Kent, Leroy; Kent,Norma; Kerr, Robert; King, Herbert; King, Howard; Kinnaman, Luella;Kirkman, Robert; Kleindorfer, Eugene. Row 7—Knight, Ola; Koons,Dorothy; Koontz, Phillip; Krebs, Sarah Ellen; Landis, Charles; Langley,John; Langley, Kenneth; Latimer, Raymond; Lawhead, Wylie; Lawrence,Harvey; Lawson, Pearl; Laymon, James; Lee, Richard; Lemon, Forest.Row 8—Lemon, Mary Alice; Lindsey, Kenneth; Livingston, Virginia; Lo-max, Margie; Maire, Louis; Martin, James; Martin, Lawrence; Martin,Velma; Mason, Tommy; Mathis, Esther; Matlock, Willard; Matlock, Wilma; Maudlin, Retha Fay; May, Carl.Page thirty-sevenImmmM |
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Bloomington High School |
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