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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1931, Page 122

Description: FEATCTESDedicated To Fishie MyersPeople cannotLearn in schoolsThe truth aboutThe traffic rules.Or gauge the temperOf a cop,And when to stealA light, or stop.Or swiftly shiftFrom gear to gear,To save collisionIn the rear.My chassis wasDesigned for speed.My engine doesIts stuff at need.My brakes are new,And working fine.I could skid closeTo the danger line.But with safe marginsIm content,I hate to getMy mudguard bent.Doris Baxter—Did you hear thatMalcolm is making twenty dollars a nightplaying his violin? Just think, $5.00 astring!Kate Hert—He ought to learn toplay the harp.Fond Parent—Daughter, did yousay Earl is a good driver? Railroad crossings are dangerous, you know.Lucille Boyer—Oh, mother, heswonderful. The way he takes you overthem you cant tell whether a train hityou or not.Ross Smith—What do you think ofthe stadium?Keith C.—Its certainly wonderful.And now I would like to go through thecurriculum. I hear you have a fine onehere.A basketball player named StoutIs often seen running about.He likes to pick fightsAnd wins by all rightsOr else lets himself get knocked out.Mr. Eskew—What do we call a manwho keeps on talking when people are nolonger interested?Morris Hall—A teacher.A boy I likeIs Freddy Cook.He always lets meUse his book(if he has one)A girl I likeIs Phyllis Eads.Shes got more itThan a senior needs.It is reported that Herby Robot whowas demonstrated at convo this year afterwards seemed to go mad and actedmost erratically. The only plausible explanation is that there was probably ascrew loose somewhere.A sweet little co-ed named Ketcham,Who was famous for knowing how tofetch em,Took a sudden dislikeTo a fellow named PikeEven his best friends wouldnt tell him,so he flunked the exam.(Send in the winning last line and win abeautiful set of dishes)Page One Hundred Twenty-two
Collection: Bloomington High School

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