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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1930, Page 68

Description: TLW.IM.The OptimistMarionEditorMurphyin-ChiefTHE Optimist is the school paper which is published every Friday by members of the journalism classes of B. H. S. This is the fifth yearthat The Optimist has been giATen free to eachpupil in school, thus proving that the idea of freecirculation no longer is an experiment, for eachyear the paper has been able to meet its expenseswith the proceeds earned from its advertisingalone. The Optimist boasts of having the largestfree weekly distribution of any high school paperin Indiana, the average circulation being 1,800.For the first time in the history of the school tAvo courses in journalism were offered to students the second semester of the past schoolyear. Those Avho took journalism the first semester AA^ere alloAved tocontinue their work and earn a second credit by taking Journalism II.Journalism I Avas offered again to beginning students. Some 31 students were members of journalism classes the second semester, thusproATing the increasing popularity of the Avork. The advanced pupilspublished The Optimist, and the beginners studied the technique ofjournalistic writing and published tAvo issues of the paper. It is hopedthat these aspiring journalists Avill continue their interest.Front Row—Marion Murphy, Editor; Gordon Shoulty, Catherine Poolitson. Orpha Mae Hopper.Second Row—Cecil Trowbridge, Peggy AAoodburn, Miss Gladys Linton, Catherine Clay, BlancheJohnson.Third Row—Becky Brown, Margaret Sutphin, Laura Willard, Frances Huber, Irene May.Fourth Row—Ronald Hawkins, Penney Bradfute, Lowell Cassner, Bob Cook, Bobbie Harrell.Sixty-eight
Collection: Bloomington High School

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