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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1930, Page 135

Description: Elmo—I see that you have given up teaching Kate to drive.John—Yes, we had an accident.Elmo—Did you? What happened?John—We were driving along the Bloom-field road, when I told Kate to release theclutch; she did—she took her hands off thesteering wheel.Henry Snyder—We are entering our dogin the dog show.Bob Hinkle—Think he will win anything?Henry S.—I dont know, but he will meetsome nice dogs.Mr. Tatlock (at radio)—I believe that Ivegot lumbago.Mrs. T.—My dear, you cant understand athing they say. oHe kissed her on the check,It seemed a harmless frolic;Hes been laid up a weekThey say, with painters colic.Harlan Page—What is your ideal man?Lizzie Burnett—One who is clever enoughto make money and foolish enough to spend it.There was a young fellow named Paul,Who went to a fancy dress ball;They say, just for funHe dressed up like a bum,And was et by a dog in the hall.Elmo G.—Do nuts grow on trees, father?Mr. Gilliatt—They do, my son.Elmo—Then what tree does the doughnutgrow on?Mr. Gilliatt—The pantry, my son. oMiss Gilstrap—Now Phyllis, where did youget that chewing gum? I want the truth.Phyllis Eads—You dont want the truth,teacher, and Id rather not tell a lie.Miss Gilstrap—How dare you say I dontwant the truth! Tell me at once where yougot that chewing gum.Phyllis—Under your desk.Mother, complained Penny, I dont feelvery well.Thats too bad, dear, said Mother sympathetically.Where do you feel worst?In school, Mother.Ben S.—Do you save up money for a rainyday?Barbara Nell—Oh, no! I never shop whenit rains.DEDICATED TO BILL HOLLANDStutz Dealer—Can I see that boy who wasbrought here an hour ago?Nurse—He hasnt come to his senses yet.Stutz Dealer—Oh, thats all right, I onlywant to sell him another car.Policeman (to Doug P. who nearly collidedwith Portia A.)—Dont you know that youshould always give half of the road to awoman driver?Doug Page—I always do, when I find outwhich half of the road she wants.Henry Snyder—I want something to weararound the dormitory.(Salesgirl—How large is your dormitory?Heres to the Bachelor, so lonely and gay,For its not his fault, he was born that way;And heres to the Spinster, so lonely andgood;For its not her fault, she hath done whatshe could.Whats the matter with Mr. Williams?He was getting shaved by a lady barberwhen a mouse ran across the floor.Sue—You havent brains enough to cook adinner.Phyllis—No, but I have brains enough toget one without cooking it.Not many fellows can do this, said DougPage as he turned his car into a lamp post.Henry K.—Im wearing my fathers patent-Bob Harrell—What for?Henry K.—The patent on mine expired.IT AINT AGOIN TO RAIN NO MO.Headline—Freshwater resigns from ShowersBrothers.One Hundred Thirty-five
Collection: Bloomington High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.