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■ Illlllllllllllllll IIIIII IIIIIIII Illllllll Illl IMIIIIIIIIMIIII IIIEillllllll IIIIII MIIIIIEIIIMIIItllllllEIIIIMIIIllllllllLll 1 111111111111111 i 111 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMICHOKES AND JOKESSon, ver are my glasses?On your nose, fodder.Dont be so indefinite.Some people wash their facesEach morning in the sink.I use a drinking fountainAnd do it while I drink.A Boy,A Match,A Strong Cigar,A Period of bliss—Then gloom.A Doctor,A Nurse,A Coffin,A Hearse,A Grave,And then—A Tomb.Mary had a little lamb,Her brother had some, too,Her mother also had a bit,And father had lamb stew.Mr. Bradt—Young man,what do you expect to be whenyou get out of school?Bernard Jackson—An o 1 dman.My dear young lady, saidthe clergyman, in grieved tones ashe listened to an extremely modern young woman tear off someof the very latest jazz on thepiano, Have you ever heard ofthe Ten Commandments?Whistle a few bars, said theyoung lady, and I think I canfollow you.Miss Bergdoll—Why do Bolsheviks throw bombs?Elmo Gilliat—So they wontro off in their hands.Teacher—Where is Berlin?Little Bosco—In New Yorkwriting a new song hit.Whats the charge, officer?Fragrancy, sir, hes been drinking perfume.Our idea of good salesmanshipis selling a book on self-confidenceto Mussolini.An actress was giving a benefitperformance at Sing Sing—Stonewalls do not a prison make, noriron bars a cage, she trilled.Deep Voice in Rear—But,lady, how they do help.I just shot a dog.Was he mad?Well, he wasnt very pleased.When Noah sailed the ocean blue,He had trouble, same as you,For days and days he drove the arkBefore he found a place to park.John O.—I got zero in Physics today.Ray Mc.—Thats nothing.J. O.—Whats nothing.R. M.—Zero.You would not knockThe jokes we useCould you but seeThose we refuse.Well rehearse that, said theambulance driver after he had losta coffin on the way to the cemetery.Teacher—Johnny, what is amouth organ?Johnny — The tongue,maam.iniMnimiiiniiinimniin I I iiiiiiiiiiiii inn i m mi in in i ii m inn miiini illllllll n milium lllimilliiiinmiillill iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimilliillllimiliiil nPage One Hundred and Thirty-four |
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Bloomington High School |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.