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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1928, Page 90

Description: The Gothic staff was first organized in 1909, that being the year inwhich the first Gothic was published. It was made up of twenty-one members,several of whom are now prominent men and women in Bloomington affairs.Each year since then a group of students has been chosen to assume the taskof publishing an annual with the assistance of a faculty sponsor.The first formal dramatic organization of the High School was known asthe Wig and Mask and was organized in the spring of 1906 with five charter members. It flourished for several years, and it was due to this club thatin 1908 the first funds were raised for a High School library. Several dramaticorganizations followed this society, but none lasted for more than a schoolyear. In 1918 an effort was made to reestablish the Wig and Mask, but theinterest was not sufficient to warrant the undertaking. In the year 1924-1925,the present dramatic club, known as the Proscenium Players, was organized,and it is now one of the most popular organizations of the school.The Y. M. C. A. was organized in 1903 to further Christian interest andbrotherhood in the High School, and has since occupied a prominent place inschool affairs. In 1920 the club was re-organized and the name changed to theHi-Y Club. The Junior Hi-Y was organized in November, 1923, to promotethe same high standards of Christian character.The Y. W. C. A. also was organized in 1903 to develop the girls physically, socially and spiritually. It has always had a large membership. In theautumn of 1919 the name was changed to the Blue Triangle. The JuniorHigh School branch of the Blue Triangle, the Junior Girl Reserves, was organized in the autumn of 1924 to carry out the same purposes as the olderorganization.Four troops of Girl Scouts were organized in 1924. The work of thisorganization closely parallels that of the more widely known Boy Scouts.Girls athletic teams have long provided recreation for High School girls.They have confined themselves largely to intramural contests. Basketball hasbeen their chief sport, having been played first in the school year of 1914-1915and continuing for nearly every year.The Sign Writers Club of Bloomington High School was organized inOctober, 1921, in order to raise the standard of shorthand and typewriting andto bring the students into a closer social relationship. In 1924 it was re-organized and called the Commercial Club. Its activities have resulted in increasedinterest in commercial subjects and some very good teams which have been sentto commercial contests. It has also published a monthly called The Boomerang and has produced several plays.Page Ninety
Collection: Bloomington High School

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