Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1921, Page 33

Description: 1921GOTHICB. H. S.The JuniorsThe Juniors are undoubtedly the most important class in high school. Theybecome important; how, we know not, yet unless appearances are very deceiving,they are very important. When one becomes a Junior he generally mounts ahigh school hobby and rides. Be it Optimist, Wig and Mask, or BoostersClub he rides hard and fast--and is very important. But then, joking aside, theJuniors are important.The present third year class have many notables enrolled in their ranks.Indeed they claim a larger proportion of the go and geters of the school thanany other class. They have six first team B. B. men and any number in otherorganizations. In one respect only are they deficient--the Sophomores holdthe stature title--although the average Junior, in spite of Guido, is no runt.Other track and field titles have fallen to their share, such as the State Cham-pionship Boarding-house Reach, the Elevator-shaft Esophogus, and the SouthCentral hundred yard pie dash, won by Tommy Nicholson, Harlan Logan andGeorge Talbot in handicap events.Seriously speaking, the Juniors are the hard workers of the school. Theydo the dirty work, the odd jobs, and the general routine work. Generally anaverage Juniors appetite for hard organization work is insatiable. They seemto revel in it. They are in that exact state of transition in their high schoolcareer in which they hurl themselves into the game to make up for the two yearsin which they have been on the outside looking in. In all we are apt to believeit when we are told that they are hustlers.Thirty-three(3)Image alt-text: Black ink drawing of and individual sitting at a desk, typing on a typewriter. The drawing is signed “M H C.”
Collection: Bloomington High School

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