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Description: THE GOTHIC 24IJ.J 11. I d IF1111 i 111111111111 [ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i I i F J F ! 111111 < IF11F111F11FIF111F111111111 £ [ IF11F FIE111111111F11FI F1111 < F J111 ■ i F F11 i: IF i F111111111EI! 11 ^ 1 i 111111111111111F11 F: IFI) IEIF! 11F II1IIIHI We offer all the facilities of 1THE MODERN BANKStart with a Growing InstitutionThe Citizens Loan and Tru^t Co.The Modern BankJ. D. SHOWERS, PresidentROY 0. PIKE, CashierTO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTSiiiiminiiiimnii: :. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinBoys, I have purchased the NICK & TOM No. 1 Store, on EastKirkwood and extend to you a cordial invitation to make this yourmeeting place, as you have in the past.You boys who have been in the habit of dropping in to get aConey Island, a Barbecue or a Coke, will find the same welcome herethat NICK & TOM always gave you.Come around any time. Make this your headquarters when downtown.Youll always meet your friends at the Fountain.IIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIJ. H. RYORSniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimii mi mini mini in mmniminimmmimiimmmmiimiimmiMmnimiimmimmimniiNimmiiimmmmiimimimiiimimiimiiiimmimPage Ninety-Five
Collection: Bloomington High School

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