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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1915, Page 18

Description: EighteenThe Gothicto be moving, Jean. She looks all right, but you never cantrust a skirt. Make an excuse for moving on. The half-breed spoke in a whisper, while Jean played with the cinchof the girls saddle.No-o, he said, finally. Im not going to be moving on.We threw MacTravish off the trail and we have two daysstart of Barry. We have plenty of time and the border isonly thirty miles away. And, Rene, you dont often see anice girl up here.Youre a damned fool, declared Rene.Maybe so, assented Jean. Come, lets go back andsee how our visitor is getting along.The girl was pouring out another cup of coffee whenthey returned.Im afraid Im taking all your breakfast, she said,apologetically, but Im awfully hungry.Help yourself, invited Jean.You see, went on the girl, I was so frightened all lastnight, I did not have time to think of eating. Theres anoutlaw named Jean ONeill, a sort of Irish-Indian, roamingaround here somewhere, and I was afraid Id meet him. IfI had, I should have been scared green. How far am I fromhome?About forty miles. Youve been roaming quite a bit,yourself, Miss.Jean had glued his eyes on Rene and the half-breed had,after an involuntary start at the mention of Jeans name,been perfectly still.Im going to see you safely home, Miss, Jean contin-ued, still watching Rene carefully. You can ride the roan,hes perfectly safe; and Rene can take your horse and gowhere he is going. I can catch up later.The half-breed started, then rose and went over to thehorses. Jean followed a moment later.Its good-bye, then, Jean? queried Feroux.Good-bye? No, indeed, Rene. Ill catch up with youbefore youre twenty miles over the border.The half-breed smiled. Catch up! With MacTravishand Barry after you? No, Jean. I dont think well evermeet again, he said simply, and then held out his hand.Its good-bye, Jean. I wish you luck, but the Riders arebuzzards in red coats. Theyre sure to get you, Jean.Well, remarked Jean, cheerfully, my dad was an Ir-ishman and my mother was French and Indian. All threeraces are noted for their ability to get into hot water, and-out of it again. So Ill be with you before youre twentymiles over the border, Rene.* * * * * * * * *Rabbit Jim Peters rode down the trail to the DiamondC ranch. Rabbit Jim was gloriously drunk. He had spentthree months wages in two days and was coming back fromEdmonton to sleep off the jag.A man and a girl were riding in from the south. Rab-bit Jim grinned wolfishly. He had recognised the man. Herode up to the corral, unsaddled his horse and turned himin, then swayed over to a bale of hay to sit down and bidehis time.Meanwhile the other two riders had arrived at the frontgate.Well, remarked Jean, youre home all right, and Iguess its up to me to say good-bye.Im sorry, returned the girl. Cant you possibly staya while?No, thank you. I promised to meet Rene tw--, nearhere. I must be going.He raised his hat and started to ride away.One moment, please, called the girl. You might atleast tell me your name.Her ex-escort turned in his saddle.My name is Jean ONeill, he said simply, and rodeaway without even looking at the girl.Taking the trail that led back by the stables, he encoun-tered Rabbit Jim.Hey! shouted that worthy, as Jean cantered by.Jean drew rein.Well?B. H. S. 1915Ask Hudelson how many credits hell give you for reporting on this book--The 1915 Gothic.
Collection: Bloomington High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.