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Bloomington High School, The Gothic, 1913, Page 21

Description: LUCILLE ROBERTSON.Gothic Staff.Otherwise known asPickles or Cindy. No,Gertrude, shes not agedjust because her hair iswhite. Has dates, anddates, and all with differ-ent fellows, too. Her bestknown work is Policy-How to Use it, but herlittle storiette, My Tripsto Indianapolis, runs aclose second. She paints-pictures, not her face. Isknown to have a warmspot in her heart for Ter-re Haute and the ruraldistricts of Minnesota.RUSSELL BLAKELY.Class TreasurerHistory ClubStaffDramaticsBetter known as Raz orCharley. Was elected class-treasurer last year, andhasnt absconded yet.Sings in the middle of theQuartet. Author of thathelpful text, How to Bein Love With Five or MoreGirls at Once. Used tofuss a college girl, but onentering 12A Physics hedecided that high schoolwas enough to engage hisattentions. Has recently,however, retracted fromthis conclusion. Has long,raven-black hair and aspir-ations to be a preacher.JOSEPHINE HALL.Better known as Joe.Her most notable worksare How to Become a GoodDoctors Wife, and OverThe Clods to Smithville.Never has dates except forthe morning services andspends her time readingphilosophical and scientificworks. You can alwaystell when shes fussed. Shestretches out and smoothsher dress then. We thoughtof saying something aboutGilbert in this, but we de-cided it wouldnt be orig-inal.WM. AUSTIN SEWARD.Senior SecretaryStaffBasketballBaseball 12.Chigger is a beautifullittle boy with nice auburncurly locks, and a basketball B on his chest. Wasnoted for being the fast-est man on the floor, butwas entirely too short.Jumped four feet, six inch-es in the Interclass TrackMeet last May. Genuine la-dys man and roughneck.He already fusses the col-lege girls. Is responsiblefor most of these sketches.Works in a foundry allsummer, and gathers prizequantities of brawn.MAUDE VOS.History Club SecretaryDutchman. Adores Ted,loves Sam, likes Dicky andendures Gib. Made famousby her celebrated littlespeeches at Si Oat meet-ings and E.E.G. dances. Ri-vals Dean Denise in layingdown social rules for theFreshmen. Its wonderfulhow she happens to meetSam on her way to schoolevery noon. Tries to ex-plain all the mysteries inschool, and likes to takelong walks in the evening.We regret to say that sheis going to Germany inJune; we boys, especialy.Page Twenty-oneImage alt-text: A rectangle containing five black-and-white, oval-shaped, individual portrait photographs of those listed.
Collection: Bloomington High School

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